I. IRP Regulations

To be approved by WAPA, customer IRPs must contain information required by EPAMP (PDF):

  • Identify and compare of all practicable energy-efficiency and energy-supply resource options.
  • Include action plan with timing set by customer.
  • Describe efforts to minimize adverse environmental effects on new resource acquisitions.
  • Provide ample opportunity for full public participation.
  • Conduct load forecasting.
  • One IRP is required per customer, regardless of the number of long-term firm power contracts between the customer and WAPA.
  • Customers may submit IRPs individually.
  • MBAs may submit IRPs for each member or submit one IRP on behalf of all or some of their members. An IRP submitted by an MBA must specify the responsibilities and participation levels of individual members and the MBA. Any member of an MBA may submit an individual IRP to WAPA instead of being included in an MBA IRP.
  • Customers may submit IRPs as IRP cooperatives when previously approved by WAPA. IRP cooperatives may also submit small customer plans, minimum investment reports and EE/RE reports on behalf of eligible IRP cooperative members. Customers with WAPA approval to submit small customer plans, minimum investment or EE/RE reports may substitute the applicable plan or report instead of an IRP. New customers that intend to seek approval to submit one of the IRP alternative reports must provide advance written notice to their WAPA Regional Manager within 30 days from the time they become a customer. Any customer may resubmit an IRP or notify WAPA of its plan to change its compliance method at any time so long as there is no period of noncompliance.

II. Public Participation

The IRP must include documentation of the public participation process describing:

  • Sharing information with public
  • Providing public with ample opportunity for participation
  • Public involvement activities
  • Process of gathering and sharing public information
  • Identification of public concerns
  • Response to public comments
  • Evidence/documentations supporting the process upon request
  • Review and concur by top official with resource acquisition responsibility that requirements have been met

III.  Action Plan

IRPs must include an action plan describing specific actions the customer will take to implement its IRP.

  • The IRP must state the time period that the action plan covers, and the action plan must be updated and resubmitted to WAPA when this time period expires. The customer may submit a revised action plan with the annual IRP progress report.
  • Customers not experiencing or anticipating load growth may satisfy the action plan requirement by describing current actions and procedures in place to periodically reevaluate the possible future need for new resources.

The action plan must include a summary of:

  • Actions the customer expects to take to accomplish the goals identified in the IRP;
  • Milestones to evaluate those accomplishment during implementation; and

Estimated energy and capacity benefits for each action planned

Training table of contents

Overview Rules for submitting an IRP Periodic customer review
Selecting the right report for your utility IRP and alternative plan checklists Reporting deadlines
Approval Criteria Annual updates Penalties for non-compliance

Questions? Contact your Energy Services representative.

Last modified on December 26th, 2024