
I. Purpose of Training

This training session is intended to:

  • Explain requirements governing the submission of integrated resource plans, (IRP)
  • Outline information IRPs must contain to comply with requirements
  • Train everyone affected Energy Planning and Management Program (EPAMP)
  • Ensure consistent approval process across WAPA’s service regions
  • Focus on complying with EPAMP requirements

Note:  This session does NOT include instructions on how to write an IRP!

II. Benefits to the Utility

Correctly conducted, an IRP provides a utility with:

  • Business plan
  • Road map for reasonable, long-term energy decision-making
  • Effective long-term resource planning
  • Systematic approach for responding to expanding/shrinking resource options
  • Actions necessary to respond to strict regulatory and environmental constraints
  • Enhanced competitiveness
  • DSM strategies and resource diversification
  • Forum for addressing public sentiment

III. Definition of IRP

Integrated resource planning is a process by which a power provider evaluates the full range of energy resources to ensure adequate and reliable service to its electric customers at the lowest system cost. Resource alternatives include new generating capacity, power purchases, energy conservation and efficiency, cogeneration and district  heating and cooling applications and renewable energy resources.

The process must account for the necessary features of system operation, such as diversity, reliability, dispatchability and other risk factors. The IRP must include the means to verify energy savings from energy conservation and efficiency measures, and projected savings from the measures over time; and shall treat demand and supply resources on an equal basis.

IV. IRP Regulations

WAPA’s EPAMP requires customer IRPs to:

  • Identify and compare of all practicable energy-efficiency and energy-supply resource options.
  • Include action plan with timing set by customer.
  • Describe efforts to minimize adverse environmental effects on new resource acquisitions.
  • Provide ample opportunity for full public participation.
  • Conduct load forecasting.

V.  Metrics

The IRP must briefly describe measurement strategies for the resource options the plan identifies to determine whether objectives are being met.

VI.  Alternative Reports and Progress Reports

  • Customers with total energy use or sales less than 25 GWH per year, or which are end users, may submit a less-complicated Small Customer Plan.
  • Customers subject to state, tribal or Federal requirements may be eligible to submit an alternative plan.
  • ALL customers must submit annual progress reports on the anniversary dates of their plan’s approval.
  • Learn more about the history of WAPA’s Energy Planning and Management Program.

Training table of contents

Overview Rules for submitting an IRP Periodic customer review
Selecting the right report for your utility IRP and alternative plan checklists Reporting deadlines
Approval Criteria Annual updates Penalties for non-compliance

Questions? Contact your Energy Services representative.

Last modified on January 14th, 2025