Desert Southwest Environmental Review

The Environmental Team at Desert Southwest (DSW) provides specialized support to the Region to maintain compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Some actions may have environmental impacts that require an environmental assessment (EA) and a detailed analysis to determine the extent and severity of the impacts. For actions that have significant impacts or consequences to the environment or human health, environmental impact statements (EIS) are prepared. Other minor actions produce documents like categorical exclusions (CX). In order to promote transparency and openness, the various types of environmental documents are posted below.

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

Environmental Assessments (EA)

Findings of no Significant Impacts (FONSI)

Programmatic Agreements




DSW’s Facilities Historic Context Statement

Categorical Exclusions (CX)

​Routine Operations & Maintenance and Minor Construction Program-Wide

By Year

CX Archive

Categorical Exclusions Archive

Last modified on November 25th, 2024