Originally released in 2016, The Source website offers a one-stop shop for financial and operational information. With the latest expansion below, WAPA partnered with customers to determine data elements and information that would be most helpful to understand cost drivers and expenditures.

Share your experience and let us know if you have comments or questions at publicaffairs@wapa.gov​. ​​​​​

Narrative Explanation To Accompany Financial Transparency Data

How-To Guide

How-To​ Guide (PDF)

  • Purpose
  • Explanation of financial transparency reports
  • Crosswalk of data element roll-up categories

FY 2008-2023 ​Rates And Sales Data By Power System​​

FY 2008-2023 ​Rates And Sales Data By Power System​​ (XLSX)

FY 2008-2023 Federal Full-Time Equivalents

FY 2008-2023 Federal Full-Time Equivalents (XLSX)

  • Authorized FTE levels by region
  • Estimated FTE usage by region and organizational code

FY 2008-2023 Expenditures

FY 2008-2023 Expenditures (XLSX)

  • Regional Expenditure Data – reported by organizational code, object class, FERC code, and budget activity, including:
    • Indirect costs
    • Costs related to contract staff
    • Costs related to independent consultants
    • Direct charges and direct allocations
  • Headquarters Expenditure Data – reported by FERC code, budget activity, organizational code and object class including:
    • Indirect costs
    • Direct charges and direct allocations
    • Costs related to contract staff
    • Costs related to independent consultants
    • Summary of expenditures with the total amount paid by each region and power system

FY 2008-2023 Capital Investments By Project

FY 2008-2023 Capital Investments By Project ( XLSX)

  • Capital investments, by investment type, delineated by the year placed into service
  • Source of capital for each investment

FY 2008-2023​ Funds Returned to Treasury

FY 2008-2023​ Funds Returned to Treasury (XLSX)

Reserve Funding – Strategy Documents And Year-End Balances

Reserve funding strategy documents

Government Accountability Office evaluation of WAPA’s unobligated balance strategy

GAO Assurance of Corrective Action Taken memo

Year End Reserve Balances

Congressional Support for the Purchase Power and Wheeling Program

Annual Updates And Summary

120 days after the end of each fiscal year, the following will be published:

  • Updates to data as detailed above
  • Identification of changes in the information being provided as detailed above
  • Reasons for any identified changes​​​

Last modified on August 27th, 2024