Western Area Power Administration’s first filed its Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (OATT) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in December of 1997, and has made numerous revisions since that time.  WAPA maintains copies of its most recent filings and information related to OATT revisions on the public section of its OASIS site which can be accessed at the link below.

Current OATT (Including FERC Filings and OATT Revision Information)

WAPA’s OATT currently in effect, including Large Generator Interconnection and Small Generator Interconnection Procedures, as well as historical OATT FERC filings and information related to OATT revisions, along with EIS and EA Environmental Review Agreement templates.

External Links

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

OATT Questions​

If you have questions regarding WAPA’s OATT, contact the applicable WAPA regional OATT contact.   ​


Last modified on September 5th, 2024