Applicant Profile Data Overview

WAPA issues a call for applications as part of its project-specific marketing plans. It uses the Applicant Profile Data form to collect information and to determine an entity’s eligibility and ultimately, which entity will receive an allocation of Federal power. The information WAPA proposes to collect is voluntary.


The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. §§ 3501-3521, requires federal agencies to obtain the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) approval before collecting certain information from the public (such as information on forms, general questionnaires, and surveys). Once approved, OMB issues the agency a control number. OMB requires federal agencies to renew their OMB control numbers every three years.

Current Form

WAPA’s current OMB control number, 1910-5136, for its Applicant Profile Data form (APD) was ​approved for renewal with change (PDF) on Nov. 4, 2024, and will expire on November 30, 2027. The approved applicant data form is available here:​

The WAPA contact information in the form will be updated as appropriate for the applicable region, for each future call for applications.

2024 Renewal Process Completed

WAPA proposed ministerial changes to the APD form and held a 60-day Public comment period and a 30-day Public Comment period to solicit feedback on the information collection extension. See the document library below for the 60-day FRN. WAPA finalized the APD form as proposed and DOE submitted the form to OMB for approval on Jan. 25, 2024.

WAPA made the following adjustments to the (2024) applicant data form:

  • For Section 1.c., alphabetically list the applicant’s options for “type of entity” that matches the categories eligible for a federal power allocation. This change aligns applicant data with WAPA’s system and clarifies the instruction to select one type, as well as enables staff to more quickly identify the appropriate response.
  • ​Streamlined Section 3, by standardizing questions for all applicants, rather than dividing the section into two different categories. This change reduces the form length by eliminating one page and reduces the chance of putting information in the wrong section.
  • Updated the form’s metadata to be 508 compliant.


If you have questions about the form or the public process, contact:

Chris Magee, Records and Information Management Program Manager
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213

Document Library​​

2024 documents​​

Last modified on November 6th, 2024