Tools and Resources for Renewables

​Developing renewable generation is a complicated process that involves many facets and stakeholders. The following resources are designed to help individuals, businesses and state, local and Federal agencies make informed decisions.

  • Economic modeling
  • Energy data sharing
  • Maps
  • Performance
  • Transmission

Economic Modeling

    Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool models economic cash flow to help analyze project economics, design cost-based incentives (e.g., feed-in tariffs) and evaluate the impact of state and Federal support.
  • LCOE Calculator
    The leveled cost of energy calculator provides a simple calculator for utility-scale and distributed generation renewable energy technologies that compares the combination of capital costs, operations and maintenance, performance and fuel costs.
    The Jobs and Economic Development Impact models estimate the economic effects of building and operating power generation and biofuel plants at the local and state levels.

Energy Data Sharing

  • Energy Analysis
    Analysis from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) encompasses a broad range of scientific research and reporting activity in support of the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, NREL programs and initiatives and the analysis community.
  • OpenEI
    Open Energy Information is a knowledge-sharing online community providing access to energy-related information via geographic discovery, visualizations and apps and topic-oriented gateways.
  • Renewable Resource Data Center
    NREL compiles an extensive collection of renewable energy resource data, maps, and tools for locations throughout the United States.
  • Tracking the Sun
    Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory annual Tracking the Sun report summarizes installed prices and other trends among grid-connected, distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in the United States.
  • Tribal Energy Program – Assessing Energy Resources
    Learn about the potential for renewable resource development on tribal lands; including biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar and wind.


  • Clean Energy in my State Map
    State-specific resources on energy efficiency and renewable energy; including statistics, renewable resource maps, policies and incentives and U.S. Department of Energy projects and activities.
  • Dynamic Maps, GIS Data & Analysis Tools
    Maps, data and tools for renewable energy resources from NREL to help determine which energy technologies are viable solutions in domestic and international regions.
  • EPA Contaminated Lands Renewable Potential Map
    RE-Powering Mapper makes it possible to view Environmental Protection Agency information about renewable energy potential on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites, alongside other information contained in Google Earth.
  • Energy Information Administration Map
    The U.S. Energy Mapping System offers many features and options through the “Layers/Legend” menu including recommended map views on a variety of subjects and the ability to customize mapping layer options to better suit your energy needs.
  • Map Apps at NREL
    NREL’s interactive mapping tools give users the data they need to evaluate renewable development potential throughout the United States for solar, hydropower, hydrogen, geothermal, biomass and wave power.
  • NRDC Renewable Energy Map
    See where and how harvesting homegrown, clean, renewable energy makes economic sense for you.
  • Renewable Energy Atlas
    NREL’s layered map of the United States shows the location of a variety of resources, as well as tribal lands, federal lands, contaminated sites, U.S. counties and congressional districts.
  • USDA Energy Investments Map
    The USDA Energy Investments web map contains information regarding USDA programs that provide assistance to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.


  • SAM
    The System Advisor Model software makes performance predictions and cost-of- energy estimates for grid-connected power projects based on installation and operating costs and system design parameters.


  • ReEDS
    The Regional Energy Deployment System helps policymakers optimize and visualize the build-out of U.S. electricity generation and transmission systems.
    Information on cutting-edge technologies that have the potential to increase reliability, efficiency and security of the country’s electrical system; and allow clean energy sources and electric vehicles to be integrated into the grid.

Last modified on December 6th, 2024