WAPA-190 Rate Order- FY 2021 SLCA/IP Firm Power and CRSP Transmission and Ancillary Service Rates

The Colorado River Storage Project Management Center (CRSP MC) initiated the public process for a rate adjustment with the publication of the Federal Register notice proposal on January 21, 2020.  The Comment and Consultation period will extend through April 20, 2020.

Please use the following links to view notifications, documents, and presentations pertaining to the WAPA-190 rate action:

WAPA-190 Published FINAL FRN, August 24, 2020

Customer Notifications:


Rate Action Brochures:

Proposal FRN Documents:

* WAPA proposes to use the Reclamation and WAPA FY 2022 work plans for the final rate in accordance with the 92 Agreement between WAPA, Reclamation, and the Colorado River Energy Distributors Association (CREDA) that implemented procedures for a customer review of work program data relating to SLCA/IP power rates.

Last modified on December 30th, 2024