Colorado River Storage Project Management Center’s Customer List

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Western Area Power Administration’s full list of customers is available on the WAPA’s Customer web page.

WAPA Customers CRSP

wdt_ID Customer Customer Type State Regions Project
483 Aha Macav Power Service Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
484 Ak-Chin Indian Community Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
485 Alamo Navajo Chapter Native American Tribes NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
486 Animas-La Plata Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement Association Project Use CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
487 Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Cooperatives AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
488 Arkansas River Power Authority Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
489 Basin Electric Power Cooperative Cooperatives CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
490 Black Hills Energy Investor-Owned Utilities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
491 Canoncito Navajo Chapter, To'Hajiilee Navajo Chapter Native American Tribes NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
492 Central Valley Electric Cooperative Cooperatives NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
493 Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
494 City of Aspen Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
495 City of Aztec Municipalities NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
496 City of Delta Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
497 City of Farmington Municipalities NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
498 City of Fort Morgan Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
499 City of Gallup Municipalities NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
500 City of Glenwood Springs Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
501 City of Gunnison Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
502 City of Holyoke Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
503 City of Mesa Municipalities AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
504 City of Safford Municipalities AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
505 City of St. George Municipalities UT CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
506 City of Torrington Municipalities WY CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
507 City of Truth or Consequences Municipalities NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
508 City of Wray Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
509 City of Yuma CO Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
510 CNF Technologies Corporation Investor-Owned Utilities AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
511 Cochiti Pueblo Native American Tribes NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
512 Cocopah Indian Tribe Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
513 Colorado River Commission of Nevada State Agencies NV CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
514 Colorado River Indian Tribes Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
515 Colorado Springs Utilities Municipalities CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
516 Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation Native American Tribes UT CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
517 CORE Electric Cooperative Cooperatives CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
518 County of Los Alamos Municipalities NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
519 Defense Depot Ogden Federal Agencies UT CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
520 Deseret Generation and Transmission Cooperative Cooperatives UT CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
521 Dolores Water Conservancy District Project Use CO CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
522 Duckwater Shoshone Tribe Native American Tribes NV CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
523 Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation Native American Tribes WY CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
524 Electrical District No. 2, Pinal County Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
525 Electrical District No. 3, Pinal County Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
526 Electrical District No. 4, Pinal County Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
527 Electrical District No. 6, Pinal County Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
528 Electrical District No. 7, Maricopa County Irrigation Districts AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
529 Ely Shoshone Tribe Native American Tribes NV CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
530 Farmers' Electric Cooperative, Inc. of New Mexico Cooperatives NM CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
531 Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
532 Gila River Indian Community Utility Authority Native American Tribes AZ CRSP Salt Lake Area/Integrated Projects
Customer Customer Type State Project

Last modified on September 13th, 2024