Proposed 2028 P-DP Power Marketing Plan

Parker-Davis Project power allocations under the current 2008 P-DP Marketing Plan expire on September 30, 2028. Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Desert Southwest Region (DSW) published a Federal Register notice (FRN) proposing a 2028 Power Marketing Plan for marketing P-DP power from October 1, 2028, through September 30, 2048 (Proposed 2028 Plan). WAPA developed the Proposed 2028 Plan to define the products and services to be offered, along with eligibility and allocation criteria that would apply to all applicants seeking a potential resource pool allocation under the new marketing plan. The Proposed 2028 Plan FRN publication initiated the formal public process and WAPA requested public comment through Monday, August 19, 2024.

Parker Davis

Last modified on September 19th, 2024