Western Area Power Administration markets and transmits Federally produced hydroelectric power to utilities in a 15-state area of the central and Western United States.

We have job opportunities and duty locations​ throughout our region, ranging from entry-level clerical positions to highly skilled engineers, electricians, linemen and other craftsmen. Visit our Equal Employment Opportunity page​ for information on reasonable accommodation and  our fair employment policies and programs.

Most jobs are posted on USAJOBS. To see jobs available at WAPA, select “Western Area Power Administration” on the “Agency Search” menu. Then, click the “Search for Jobs” button at the bottom of the page.

USAJOBS provides tutorials on how to use the system to create an account, locate and view vacancy announcements, receive notification of jobs that meet your criteria, and create an on-line resume. Just go the Info Center and browse advice on: “Using USAJOBS – Tutorials.”

A few jobs are announced locally or in some other way only open to a limited number of applicants. WAPA also fills some jobs through non-competitive appointments, excepted service appointments and special appointing authorities, including jobs for students.

Read more of what other employees have to say about WAPA.

New employees can get a head start by reviewing our new employee orientation materials.


Last modified on April 23rd, 2024