ED2-Saguaro Transmission Line Rebuild
WAPA proposes to replace the ED2 Saguaro No. 2 115-kV Transmission Line’s wood H-frame structures (3.1 miles ) and wood single-pole structures (32.5 miles) with steel monopoles (35.6 miles). The existing structures are 60 to 70 feet tall and the proposed replacements are 80 to 90 feet tall. The conductors and overhead protection ground wire will be replaced. Existing access roads will be used to the extent possible and improved as needed.
WAPA operates and maintains this transmission line under an agreement with the Central Arizona Project (CAP). It serves three CAP pumping stations: Brady, Picacho, and Red Rock. WAPA is working cooperatively on this project with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, San Carlos Irrigation Project, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The project is located on the east side of Interstate 10 near Eloy, Pinal County, Arizona. It starts at WAPA’s Electrical District 2 (ED2) Substation located on the east side of Eleven Mile Corner Road, a half mile south of State Route 287, and ends at the Saguaro Substation located next to Arizona Public Service’s Saguaro Steam Plant situated alongside Interstate 10 one mile south of Exit 226 (Red Rock). The transmission line parallels portions of Eleven Mile Corner, Hanna, Brady Pump Plant, and Pecan Roads and crosses State Route 87 at Hanna Road.
WAPA’s project increases the reliability and safety of the bulk electric system so that the risk of a catastrophic failure on the ED2 Saguaro No. 2 Transmission Line is reduced to the lowest practical level and the greatest long-term benefit is obtained. This line experienced five major failures in the past 10 years, of which the most recent occurred in 2012 when a wind storm destroyed 30 structures in a three-mile-long section.
WAPA’s plans to rebuild the transmission line starting in Spring 2016 and complete it by Spring 2018. The work will occur in stages so that the electrical supply to the pumping plants is uninterrupted. Once built, WAPA will operate and maintain the line.
Project documents:
- Memorandum of Agreement (PDF) (7-31-15)
- Appendix A (PDF) to the Memorandum of Agreement
- Final Environmental Assessment for the ED2 Saguaro (PDF) No.2 Transmission Line Rebuild Project (DOE/EA 1972)
- Biological Evaluation (PDF)
- Determination to Prepare (PDF) an Environmental Assessment ED2 SGR Transmission Line Rebuild
- Map
News and updates:
WAPA completed a Final Environmental Assessment in March 2015 and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact on September 3, 2015. WAPA, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer, and other consulting parties executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to resolve the undertaking’s adverse effects to historic properties on July 31, 2015. WAPA is in the process of implementing the terms of the MOA. WAPA plans to start rebuilding the transmission line on September 15, 2016 and complete it by June 15, 2018.
Contact information:
Mail: Western Area Power Administration
Sean Berry, Environmental Manager
P.O. Box 6457 Phoenix, AZ 85005
Phone: (602) 605-2842
Fax: (602) 605-2630
Last modified on October 11th, 2024