DSW Categorical Exclusions (CX) Archive
- Bouse Upgrade Geotechnical Drilling (6-10-19)
- Coolidge-Valley Farms Transmission Line Rebuild (3-13-19)
- Gila-Gila Valley Integrated Vegetation Management (10-30-19)
- Glen Canyon-Flagstaff #1: Insulator Replacements (7-10-19)
- Glen Canyon Substation: Bathroom Repairs (1-7-19)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Lone Butte-Sundance Transmission Line Right-of-Way (10-28-19)
- Kayenta-Long House Valley: Equipment Additions and Replacements (3-7-19)
- Mead Substation: License Agreement for GridLiance’s Geotechnical Investigations (10-25-19)
- Mead-Perkins Transmission Line 299/3 Insulator Replacement (10-30-19)
- Mead Substation Plumbing and Water Pipeline Repairs (4-29-19)
- Parker-Bouse Integrated Vegetation Management (11-21-19)
- Parker-Buckeye and Parker-Hassayampa 230-kV Transmission Line Right-of-Way Access Road and Structure Work-Pad Repairs (4-9-19)
- Peacock-Liberty Transmission Line Conductor Repair near Structure 166/1 (3-19-19)
- Phoenix Area Office Remedial Soil and Water Investigations (6-13-19)
- Pinnacle Peak: Geotechnical Investigations (1-3-19)
- Routine Maintenance and Minor Construction Program Fiscal Year 2019-2024 (7-29-19)
- Transmission Equipment Disposals (7-19-19)
- Black Canyon and Cunningham Microwave Upgrades (9-14-18)
- Coolidge Substation Sewer and Water Line Repairs/Hose Bib Installation (4-26-18)
- Davis Dam Substation Erosion Control and Fence Improvements (revised) (5-1-18)
- Gila Gila Valley Lateral Transmission Line Rebuild Upgrade and Extension Project (3-2-18)
- Gila Substation Rebuild Project and Related Communication and Protection Equipment Replacement (5-25-18)
- Glen Canyon Dam Warehouse Renovation Project (5-4-18)
- Glen Canyon Guyed Tower Replacement (6-4-18)
- Glen Canyon-Flagstaff #1and #2 345-kV and Flagstaff-Pinnacle Peak #1 and #2 345-kV Transmission Line Maintenance and Repair Operations (4-30-18)
- Glen Canyon Substation Drainage, Driveway, and Waterline Improvements (12-20-18)
- Glen Canyon Substation Transformer Replacement (8/28/18)
- Harcuvar to Little Harquahala Transmission Line – Urgent Structure Repairs (9/4, 14/4 & 18/3) (4-15-18)
- Harcuvar to Little Harquahala and Harcuvar to Bouse Hills Pumping Plants: Repairs to Access Roads, Pads, Static/guy Wires and Cross-arm Replacements (7-7-18)
- Hazard Tree Affecting the Flagstaff-Pinnacle Peak #2 Transmission Lines near Structure 184/1 (5-30-18)
- Hazard Vegetation Removal along Central Arizona Project and Colorado River Storage Project Power System Transmission Lines in February 2018 (2-9-18)
- Hazard Vegetation Removal along Central Arizona Project Transmission Lines in May-July, 2018 (5-4-18)
- Herbicide Application at 18 Substations located in Arizona and California, 2018-2023 (10-10-18)
- HVAC Installation at the Desert Southwest Regional Office (2-22-18)
- Inactive Bird Nest Removal at the Test Track Substation (5-18-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management Actions along the Electrical District 2 to Saguaro Transmission Line #2 between 4/16/18 and 5/12/18 (4-15-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management Actions along the Electrical District 2 to Suguaro Transmission Line #2 (with a focus on Structures 29/5 to 32/13) (4-27-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 & 2 Transmission Lines (Structures 202/1 to 227/4) (3-1-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 & 2 Transmission Lines (Structures 204/2 to 223/2) (3-19-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 & 2 Transmission Lines (Structures 204/2 to 223/5) (4-27-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 & 2 Transmission Lines (Structures 204/2 to 223/5) (5-18-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management along the Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 & 2 Transmission Lines (Structures 204/2 to 223/2 with a focus on Structures 210 to 213/2) (4-6-18)
- Integrated Vegetation Management Actions to Control Unwanted Plants at Western Communication Facilities in Arizona, California and Nevada (8-28-18)
- Jacks Peak, Glen Canyon, Zilner and Lolamai Microwave Upgrades (9-14-18)
- Liberty Substation: Component Upgrades (7-11-18)
- Mead-Marketplace and Mead-Perkins Transmission Lines Spacer/Damper Project (3-21-18)
- Mead-Perkins Conductor Spacer Repairs on Towers 145/1, 206/2, 206/4, 207/1, 207/4 and 211/4 (4-9-18)
- Mingus Microwave Site Building Replacement (10-9-18)
- Rattlesnake-Del Bac Transmission Line Breaker and Jumpers Replacement (10-2-18)
- Right-of-Way (ROW) Vegetation Reclamation and Removal Program for the Mead-Perkins 500-kV and Peacock-Liberty 345-kV Transmission Lines (10-11-18)
- Security Upgrades at Four Desert Southwest Facilities: Flagstaff, Glen Canyon, Pinnacle Peak and Phoenix (6-21-18)
- Senator Wash Pumping-Generator Plant Transformer Replacement Project and Structural Foundation Repair (4-4-18)
- Sonora-San Luis 34.5-kV Transmission Line Structure Repairs (5-30-18)
- Black Mesa Substation Jumper Replacements (3-17-17)
- Boulder Canyon Project – Rate-Setting Formulas for Electric Service and Adjustments of Fiscal Year 2018 Base Charges and Rates (4-25-17)
- Commercial Cell Antenna Maintenance at DSW Facilities (5-8-17)
- Communication Facilities Maintenance for 2017-2018 (5-8-17)
- Elden Microwave Site Operations and Maintenance 2017-2018 (6-27-17)
- Erosion Control at the Pinnacle Peak Substation (7-26-17)
- Herbicide Application at 11 Substations located in Arizona and Nevada, 2017-2018 (5-8-17)
- Integrated Vegetation Management actions along Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak 1 &2 and ED2-Saguaro2 Transmission Lines in FY18 (5-25-17)
- Jacks Peak and Preston Mesa Microwave Upgrades (9/8/17)
- Liberty-Peacock Insulator Replacements, Road Repairs and Pad Work at 223/5-237/1 (1-26-17)
- Mead-Peacock Insulator Replacements (10-4-17)
- Mead-Perkins Spacer Replacement, 74/2 (3-17-17)
- Mead Substation Security Upgrades (4-18-17)
- Mead Substation Urgent Waterline Replacement (5-26-17)
- Mead Tower Installation for Fall Protection Training (3-17-17)
- Mingus Microwave Site Operations and Maintenance 2017-2018 (6-27-17)
- Rattlesnake-Del Bac Structure Replacement, 6/6 (10-31-17)
- Rattlesnake Substation HVAC Replacement FY18 (10-18-17)
- Revisions to Network Integration Transmission Service Agreements for 2017 (3-13-17)
- Commercial Cell Antenna Maintenance at DSW Facilities (4-1-16)
- Communication Facilities Maintenance for 2016-2017 (3-25-16)
- Concertina Wire Installation at Liberty Substation (4-21-16)
- Electrical District No. 5 Substation Erosion Protection (4-20-16)
- Glen Canyon Substation Emergency Waterline Repairs (2-4-16)
- Glen Canyon Substation Emergency Erosion and Waterline Repairs (5-18-16)
- Hassayampa Switching Substation Geotechnical Surveys (6-23-16)
- Hassayampa Tap Replacement and Sun Valley Interconnection (12-8-16)
- Herbicide Application at 11 Substations located in Arizona and Nevada, 2016-2017 (3-29-16)
- Liberty-Parker #1 Transmission Line Transfer to Western from Reclamation (2-1-16)
- License Outgrant for the Quarry 187 Road Improvements (3-16-16)
- Mead-Liberty Spacer Replacement, 64/1-64/2 (9-9-16)
- Mead-Liberty and Mead-Perkins Vegetation Management, Route 66 to Interstate 40 (2-25-16)
- Mead-Perkins 14/4 Spacer Replacement and Road Repairs (11-14-16)
- Mead-Phoenix Spacer Damper Repair (4-20-16)
- Mead Security Guard Building (4-1-16)
- Pinnacle Peak-Rogers 230-kV Transmission Line Inset Structure 5/1A (3-23-16)
- Pinnacle Peak Substation Tree Removal (4-1-16)
- Proposed Formula Rates for Network Integration Transmission Service and Ancillary Services (1-19-2016)
- Spook Hill Substation Decommissioning (12-16-16)
- Substation Maintenance for 2016-2017 (3-25-16)
- Tucson Substation Rebuild, Stage 02 (3-30-16)
- Transmission Insulator Structure Replacement on the HVRMED #2 (4-28-16)
- Black Mountain Communications Facility Rebuild Project (1-16-15)
- Blythe-Headgate Rock X-Brace Replacement (8-7-15)
- Blythe-Knob 161-kV Cross Arm Replacements, Mile 0 to 7 (1-9-15)
- Blythe-Knob 161-kV Transmission Line, Pole Replacements at Interstate 10 Crossing (8-3-15)
- Bouse Hills Pump Plant-Harcuvar 115-kV Inset Structure (1-9-15)
- Categorical Exclusion (1-19-16)
- Central Arizona Project Rate Increase (10-15-15)
- Coolidge Substation Communication Equipment Upgrades (10-20-15)
- Communication Facilities Maintenance and Minor Additions or Modifications (4-10-15)
- Dome Tap – Wellton Mohawk Ligurta – Replace Structure 3/2 (7-1-15)
- Dome-Wellton-Mohawk-Ligurta Line Maintenance (9-14-5)
- Gila-Gila Valley Lateral Transmission Line Rebuild (1-13-15)
- Gila Substation Stage 07 Rebuild Project and related Communications Equipment Replacement (7-20-15)
- Ground Wire Repair on Transmission Structures (5-4-15)
- Herbicide Application at 51 Substations in Arizona, California and Nevada (3-23-15)
- Herbicide Application at Mexico Tap (8-11-15)
- Herbicide Application Urgently Needed at 15 Substations (3-3-15)
- Issuance of Easement Outgrant to Giving Life Ministries for a Parking Lot Expansion (10-15-15)
- Liberty Substation Mowing (5-4-15)
- Lone Butte Substation Erosion Repairs (9-22-15)
- Mead Substation Stage 15 – Foundation Rebuilds and Transformer Connections (4-23-15)
- Oracle-Saguaro 115-kV Transmission Line Routine Maintenance Project (5-4-15)
- Parker Dam Pole Replacement (8-7-15)
- Pest Control at Buildings in 44 Substations in Arizona, California and Nevada (3-11-15)
- Phoenix Service Center, Grant of Access for Fiber Optic Cable Installation (1-9-15)
- Prescott Peacock 230-kV Transmission Line Vegetation Management between Structures 54/1 and 107/1, Mohave and Yavapai Counties, Arizona (2-17-15)
- Prescott-Pinnacle Peak Wireless Communications Equipment Installation at Structure 147/4 (10-9-15)
- Sonora Substation Antenna Pole Addition (7-20-15)
- Substation Maintenance in 2015 (2-7-15)
- Tucson Substation Rebuild – Stage 02 Project (3-31-15)
- Amargosa Substation (Conduit and Storage Pad Installation) (6-3-14)
- Amargosa Substation (Control Building Repairs) (9-10-14)
- Blythe-Knob 161-kV Transmission Line, Structure Maintenance Project (1-21-14)
- Blythe-Knob 161-kV Transmission Line, Cross Arm Replacements (3-6-14)
- Bouse Hills Pumping Plant to Harcuvar 115-kV Transmission Line, Inset Structure Installation (8-27-14)
- Cable Trenching in the Gila Substation (1-13-14)
- Commercial Cell Antenna Maintenance at DSW Facilities (12-18-14)
- Coolidge Substation Outgrant to Southwest Gas for Pipeline (2-18-14)
- Crossman Peak Communication Site Lease and Equipment Upgrades at 5 Facilities (6-2-14)
- Davis Dam Maintenance Building installation at the old Davis Dam 69-kV West Switchyard (6-30-14)
- ED2-ED4 Transmission Line Rebuild Project (7-10-14)
- Electrical District 2 to Saguaro #2 115-kV Transmission Line, Marker Ball Installation at Structure 26-10 (1-9-14)
- Electrical District 2 to Saguaro #2 Transmission Line Geologic Investigation Project (3-14-14)
- ED5-SGR2 NERC Mitigation (9-11-14)
- Flagstaff to Pinnacle Peak #1 and #2 345-kV Transmission Lines Insulator Replacements (7-1-14)
- Flagstaff Pinnacle Peak #1&2 Transmission Lines – Slid Static Damper Repair at Structures 134/3 & 139/2 (6-11-14)
- GCS 345kV-SF^ Breaker (3396) and Concrete Pad Installation (2-6-14)
- Gila Knob Transmission Line – Anchor Repair at Structure 4/7 (11-13-14)
- Gila-Kofa 161-kV Transmission Line, Emergency Erosion Repair at Structure 102-6 (7-16-14)
- Gila Substation Geotechnical Study (8-6-14)
- Henderson 230kV Switchyard (Erosion Control) (2-6-14)
- Henderson-Mead #1 230-kV Transmission Line Access Road Maintenance (7-22-14)
- Humboldt Mountain Communication Facility – Asbestos and Lead-based Paint Testing (6-19-14)
- Humboldt Mountain Communication Facility – Demolition (10-29-2014)
- Liberty Parker #2 Transmission Line – Erosion Repair at Structure 53/1 (6-9-14)
- Liberty Substation – Vegetation Management (4-1-14)
- Liberty-Westwing 230-kV Transmission Line Insulator Replacement (6-5-14)
- Lone Butte Substation Erosion Repairs (9-11-14)
- Mead Administrative Building Demolition(3-26-14)
- Mead-Liberty 345-kV Transmission Line Access Road and Maintenance and Localized Vegetation Management Project (8-27-14)
- Mead Substation Access Road Repairs (11-7-2014)
- Mead Substation Service Building Repairs (8-28-2014)
- Metal Mountain Communications Site _ Emergency Air Conditioner Replacement (7-3-2014)
- NERC Mitigation Actions Along Three Transmission Lines (6-5-2014)
- Prescott-Pinnacle Peak 230-kV Transmission Line Access Road Maintenance and Localized Vegetation Management Project (9-9-2014)
- Prescott Pinnacle Peak Structure 195/2 – Commercial Cell Antenna Maintenance (10-2-14)
- Prescott Pinnacle Peak Structure 213/4 – Commercial Cell Antenna Maintenance (10-23-14)
- Prescott Peacock Transmission Line – Insulator Repair at 3 Structures (7-31-14)
- Saguaro-Tucson 115-kV Transmission Line Cross Arm Replacements(2-11-14)
- Substation Maintenance (1-23-14)
- Tucson-Apache 115-kV Transmission Line, Access Road Repairs Mile 14 to 20 (11-14-14)
- Tucson Substation – Asbestos Abatement (6-3-14)
- Valley Farms Substation – Emergency Installation of Concrete Pad for Western’s Communication Tower (4-1-14)
- Valley Farms to Oracle 115-kV Transmission Line, Guy Anchor Repairs at Structure 6-8 (11-24-14)
- Wood Pole Testing along 20 Transmission Lines (4-17-2014)
- Adams Tap MOI and Control Building Replacement (9-11-13)
- Casa Grande Substation, CAG 262 Breaker Replacement (4-4-13)
- COLORA – Cross-Arm Replacement, Structure Nos. 12-3, 12-6 (9-23-13)
- Davis Dam to Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line, Overhead Optical Power Ground Wire Installation (5-16-13)
- Davis Dam to MEC Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line Rebuild (3-20-13)
- Davis-Parker 230kV Transmission Line – Marker Ball(s) Replacement (12-17-13)
- DSWR – Bi-Annual “Live Line” Maintenance Training (10-08-13)
- Electrical District 2 to Saguaro #2 115-kV Transmission Line Access Road Maintenance between Structure 26/8 and 26/9 (5-20-13)
- Gila Substation Emergency Current Transformer Replacement (4-26-13)
- 3 Yuma Area Transmission Lines Emergency Storm Damage Repairs (8-26-2013)
- GCS Switchyard – 230-kV Wavetrap Removal – TZ9A2 on the Navajo Line (6-21-13)
- Gila Knob Transmission Line Crossarm Replacement at Structure 18/3 (06-03-2013)
- Gila Knob Transmission Line Hot Crossarm Changeout Training (12-16-2013)
- Gila-Wellton Mohawk Transmission Line Maintenance (1-3-13)
- Glen Canyon Substation Stage 09- 50MVA 230/69kV Transformer Addition (7-2-13)
- Glen Canyon to Flagstaff #2 345-kV Transmission Line, Access Road Maintenance from Structure 45/4 to 46/1 (8-8-13)
- Henderson Mead #2 Erosion Control Project Near Structure 2/4 (9-11-13)
- 40 Arizona Substations Herbicide Application (7-1-13)
- 4 Southern California Substations Herbicide Application (7-1-13)
- 1 Gila River Indian Community Substation Herbicide Application (7-1-13)
- 2 Navajo Nation Substations Herbicide Application (7-1-13)
- 4 Southern Nevada Substations Herbicide Application (7-1-13)
- 36 Substations in AZ & CA Herbicide Application during FY2013 (4-19-13)
- Lone Butte Substation located on the Gila River Indian Community, AZ during FY2013 Herbicide Application (4-24-13)
- Hoover-Mead #1 and #5 230-kV and Mead-Marketplace 500-kV Transmission Lines Facilities Ratings Project (3-20-13)
- Hoover-Mead #8 230-kV Transmission Line Insulator Repair Project (3-11-13)
- Oracle Electrical Substation Installation of Cattle Guard (5-9-13)
- Liberty-Parker Dam #2 230-kV Transmission Line, Optical Power Ground Wire Repair (08-22-2013)
- LIBPAD-1 230 kV Transmission Line “Live Line” Maintenance Training at Structure 112-4 (10-25-2013)
- Liberty Substation Transformer Replacement Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (06-06-2013)
- Electrical District 5 Substation Project Material Source Site (2-28-13)
- Mead KU2A Emergency Bushing Replacement (7-2-13)
- Nogales Substation Temporary Laydown Yard (3/28/13)
- Oracle Substation – Breaker Support Work (10-30-13)
- Oracle to Tucson 115-kV Transmission Line, Cross Arm Replacements at Structures 2/5 and 7/3 (5-2-13)
- Parker Dam to Gila 161-kV Transmission Line, Cross Arm Replacement at Structure 0/7 (7-22-13)
- Parker Dam to Headgate Rock and Parker Dam to Bouse 161-kV Transmission Lines, Cross Arm Repairs and Helicopter Staging Areas Project (2-19-13)
- Parker-Gila 161-kV Transmission Line Maintenance Project, Structure 92/1 to 94/9 (6-5-13)
- Parker-Gila 161-kV Transmission Line – Structure 109-8 Relocation (12-18-13)
- Parker Substation 161-kV 2013 Breaker Replacement (5-17-13)
- 44 Substations in Arizona, California, and Nevada Pest Control within Buildings (6-6-13)
- Phoenix to Lone Butte 230-kV Transmission Line, Bird Diverter Installation (4-8-13)
- PHX-LOB and LIB-LOB 230-kV double-circuit – replace insulators at Structure No. 28-2 with NCI type polymers (8-12-13)
- Pinnacle Peak – Rogers 230-kV Double Inset Structure #5/1a Installation (6-28-13)
- Prescott to Peacock 230-kV Transmission Line Hazard Tree Removal between Structures 54/1 and 107/1 (11-22-2013)
- Protection and Communication Facilities Maintenance (11-8-13)
- Oracle Breakers 562 and 762 Removal and Replacement along with Associated Disconnects (7-2-13)
- Saguaro-Tucson 115-kV Transmission Line Road Maintenance and Brushwork (4-30-13)
- Saguaro-Tucson 115-kV Transmission Line, Structure Replacement at 10-4 (12-3-13)
- Tucson Apache Emergency Structure Stabilization Project (9-6-13)
- Tucson to Apache 115-kV Transmission Line Wood Pole Replacement Project (2-28-13)
- 2012 Boulder Canyon Project (4-3-12)
- Coolidge Substation – Fence Relocation (1-18-12)
- Tucson Substation 162/162 Breaker Replacement (9-5-12)
- Mesa Substation Soil Remediation Assessment (12-12-11)
Last modified on December 5th, 2024