Estes-Flatiron Transmission Line Rebuild Project

​WAPA is combining two 16-mile transmission lines to one 16-mile transmission line between the Town of Estes Park and Flatiron Reservoir. Once constructed, the new steel-pole transmission line will carry both existing 115-kilovolt lines currently strung on separate wood H-frame structures. The wood structures will be removed after construction of the new steel-pole transmission line.

This rebuild project will:

  • ​Reduce potential for customer service disruption by improving reliable electric delivery​ to the Town of Estes Park
  • Install a more resilient steel transmission line and remove aged and deteriorating wood structures
  • Halve the transmission corridors and the associated environmental footprint
  • Ensure that the transmission line rights of way comply with applicable codes and requirements
  • Mitigate wildfire hazards to transmission structures
  • Improve maintenance access for routine work and emergencies​

Construction Plan

Contracted company Barnard Construction Company, Inc., will begin​ construction Aug. 1, 2022. The project is expected to conclude by the end of 2023. The rebuild has been divided into four segments (see below map) and two phases. Phase one will prepare the right of way and structure foundations along the entire project. Phase two will involve placing structures, stringing wire, removing old structures and decommissioning the unused right of way. For each phase, construction crews will begin on the east side of the project, closer to Flatiron Reservoir, in Segment 1 and work west towards the Town of Estes Park in Segment 3. Segment 4 will install fiber on the existing double-circuit structures near Lake Estes and is anticipated to take about a week.​

The Town of Estes Park is not expected to experience any power outages during construction. Two sources of power will serve the Town of Estes Park at all times except for two 12-hour windows where there will be a single source of power.

map of Estes-Flatiron project map
Project map. ​​The​ rebuild is divided into four segments. From right to left, Segment 1 is purple, Segment 2 is orange,​ Segment 3 is green and Segment 4 is red. After construction, the original transmission lines, represented by black lines, will be removed. 

​Project Updates

Other Project Information

​​​WAPA worked with the Town of Estes Park and National Forest Service to complete an Environmental Impact Statement that analyzed a number of route and project alternatives. To learn more about that public process, visit the Estes-Flatiron Project Environmental Review webpage​.


Email: PublicAffair​

Last modified on October 28th, 2024