Glen Canyon-Rogers 230/345-KV Enviromental Assessments for Operations & Maintenance and Intergraded Vegetation Management Programs, DOE/EA-2008

​​Project Description:

WAPA is proposing to implement a programmatic operation and maintenance (O&M) and Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) program on the Rogers-Glen Canyon section of the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) Transmission System in the DSW. WAPA refers to this project as the Glen Canyon-Rogers 230/345-kV EA for O&M and IVM Programs (Proposed Action). WAPA is proposing to programmatically analyze O&M and IVM activities that are, on an as-needed basis, currently analyzed as individual actions. Often, the current process creates delay in individual project review and implementation and hinders planning efforts. By identifying sensitive resources in the project area and analyzing WAPA’s suite of management activities in appropriately applicable areas, WAPA anticipates this programmatic approach would streamline the regulatory process for O&M and IVM activities, and better inform planning processes.

The proposed project area includes four substations, nine communication sites, and approximately 262 miles of transmission line. WAPA’s existing, system-wide Transmission Vegetation Management Program uses an adaptive management approach that incorporates environmentally protective practices to control potentially hazardous vegetation. These include physical and mechanical control and are included for analysis in this Proposed Action.​

Current Status:

The Project recently conducted two public scoping meetings in May 2016 in Flagstaff and Page, AZ.  Scoping is a process used to inform the public of a proposed activity. It provides the public an opportunity to comment and share insight and local information related to the project corridor study areas currently being considered and issues of concern related to the proposed activity.

WAPA is currently accepting scoping comments on the proposed Project and the comments received during the public scoping period will be used in a few ways:

  • ​to inform the development of alternatives;
  • to define the environment and resources potentially affected by the alternatives;
  • and to analyze the effects resulting from the alternatives.

The deadline for submitting comments is June 3, 2016.  You can submit your comments in various ways:



Western Area Power Administration
Steve Blazek, NEPA Document Manager
P.O. Box 281213, Lakewood, CO 80228-8213​

Project Documents:


Last modified on December 30th, 2024