Ridgenose Solar Interconnection Project
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), an agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), is preparing an environmental assessment (EA) on the proposed interconnection of the Longview Solar Ridgenose Solar Facility (Project) in Maricopa County, near the town of Aguila, Arizona. Longview Solar, LLC, has applied to WAPA to interconnect their proposed Project to Western’s power transmission system. The EA will address WAPA’s Federal action of interconnecting the proposed Project to WAPA’s transmission system and making any necessary modification to WAPA facilities to accommodate the interconnection. The EA will also include a review of the potential environmental impacts of Longview Solar constructing, operating, and maintaining a 100-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar power facility, consisting of solar panels, mounting structures, access roads, an electrical collection system, a collector substation, an interconnection transmission line, temporary staging areas, and other ancillary facilities.
Last modified on October 15th, 2024