Parker-Davis Transmission System Routine Operation and Maintenance Project and Proposed Integrated Vegetation Management Program (DOE/EA-1982)

​WAPA proposes Operations and Maintenance (O&M) activities and the implementation of an integrated vegetation management program on the Parker-Davis Transmission System.  These actions would occur within legal rights-of-way (ROW) on existing transmission line and access roads, as well as at substations, communication sites, and maintenance facilities associated with the system.

The Parker-Davis Transmission System currently consists of 53 substations, 15 communication sites, 9,993 structures, and 1,534 miles of transmission line.  O&M activities would consist of aerial and ground patrols to locate and correct problems, regular and preventive maintenance, inspections and repairs to protect against operational hazards, and road repair to provide access for maintenance and emergencies.  The integrated vegetation management program would remove vegetation to protect facilities from fire, control the spread of noxious weeds to protect environmental quality, establish and maintain stable, low-growing plant communities in the ROW, and activities to protect public and worker safety around transmission lines and other facilities.

WAPA proposed this project to maintain existing transmission line and access road ROWs, to ensure system reliability, and to establish and maintain safe all-weather access to transmission line structures and appurtenant facilities.

WAPA completed a Final Environmental Assessment in August 2015 and issued a Finding of No Significant Impacts on September 30, 2015.  The Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact are available in the links listed below.  Hardcopies or CDs may be requested by contacting WAPA:

Mail:  Western Area Power Administration

Sean Heath, NEPA Document Manager

P.O. Box 6457

Phoenix, AZ 85005


Phone:  (602) 605-2592



Last modified on October 15th, 2024