Davis-Kingman Tap 69-Kv Rebuild Project
WAPA plans to rebuild a 26.6-mile-long portion of the existing Davis–Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line within the existing ROW in order to improve the reliability of the transmission service. The line has been in service well beyond its projected service life, customer load on the line has increased considerably over the years, and reliability has decreased due to natural aging, extreme weather exposure, vandalism, and lightning strikes. The WAPA-most 0.7 mile of the existing line was rebuilt as part of the Davis Dam Switchyard in 2010.
The Project involves the removal of the existing wood pole H-frame structures and conductors and installation of new “weathering” steel monopole structures (eventually turning a natural shade of brown), new conductors, new switch assemblies, and an overhead ground wire for lightning protection. In some instances, mainly where the transmission line crosses mountainous areas, three-pole weathering steel structures would be used instead of monopole structures. Short-term ROW would be required for laydown areas, conductor and ground wire pulling, and tensioning and splicing sites. The majority of the transmission line alignment is located on land administered by the BLM, Kingman Field Office and private lands. The transmission line also crosses lands administered by the National Park Service (NPS), Reclamation, and Arizona State Land Department (ASLD). As a consequence of construction activities, ground disturbance would occur as a result of grading areas for structure placement and removal; improving existing access roads for vehicle and equipment access; and installing structures, conductors and overhead ground wire. Project construction activities and improvement of access along the transmission line would be conducted within permanent ROW and temporary use areas.
Project documents:
Final EA
Last modified on October 11th, 2024