Cliffrose Solar Energy Interconnection Project DOE/EA-1989
Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) is responding to a request from Longview Solar, LLC, to interconnect their proposed Cliffrose Solar Energy Plant, located south of Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona to WAPA’s electrical transmission system at Griffith Substation. WAPA is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) that will analyze impacts to the human environment associated with WAPA’s Federal action of approving the interconnection request and making any necessary modifications to WAPA’s facilities. The EA will also discuss impacts associated with Longview Solar constructing, operating, and maintaining a 45-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar power facility on a 350-acre parcel. The facility consists of solar panels, mounting structures, access roads, an underground electrical collection system, a collector substation, a generation-tie line and other ancillary structures.
Project documents:
- Determination (PDF) to Prepare an Environmental Assessment
- Scoping Letter (PDF)
- Draft (PDF) Environmental Assessment
News and updates:
On October 7, 2015, WAPA received Longview Solar’s request to withdraw their interconnection request for this project; thus WAPA no longer has an action to review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). WAPA does not plan to prepare a Final Environmental Assessment or a NEPA decision document. If you have any questions, please use the contact information below.
Mail: Western Area Power Administration
Matthew Bilsbarrow, NEPA Document Manager
P.O. Box 6457 Phoenix, AZ 85005
Phone: (602) 605-2536
Fax: (602) 605-2630
Last modified on December 30th, 2024