Project Description:
Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA) proposed action consists of approving an interconnection request, entering into an interconnection agreement, and implementing three types of project-related transmission system upgrades.
- New pole structures for the tap: WAPA would install, maintain, and decommission a tap on the existing Little Harquahala to Harcuvar 115-kV Transmission Line. The tap would consist of up to two new pole structures within the existing ROW in the vicinity of the existing Pole 14/1, located directly across from AZ Solar 1’s proposed substation. The new pole structures would be made of steel, be up to 100 feet tall, and fit one of three standard pole types: H-frame, monopole, or three-pole. The new pole structures would connect to the existing transmission line via short (approximately 50-foot) aerial connections.
- Modify existing pole structures: WAPA would add guy-wires and associated buried concrete anchors to up to three existing H-frame wood pole structures in the tap’s immediate vicinity to provide additional structural support to the existing transmission line. Guy-wires and anchors would be added to pole structures 14/2, 14/1, and 13/7 and the anchors buried within the existing ROW.
- Associated transmission system improvements: WAPA would upgrade relays at the Little Harquahala and Harcuvar substations. This work would occur within the existing control buildings at these facilities. WAPA would install a microwave dish on an existing tower at WAPA’s Pete Smith Peak communications site and point it towards the communication tower installed at the AZ Solar 1 substation.
Arizona Solar 1 LLC plans to build, operate, and maintain an approximately 32.5 megawatt photovoltaic solar energy generation facility. An optional 27.5 megawatt of photovoltaic solar energy generation and a 20 megawatt of battery storage may be added based on market considerations. Although the total nameplate capacity of the planned facility and the optional installation totals approximately 60 megawatts, Arizona Solar 1 LLC plans to operate the facility such that the annual output is equal to or less than 50 average megawatts. Construction of the facility includes the following components:
- Installing solar panels up to 480 acres of land;
- Installing underground collection lines from each panel to a collection point switchyard;
- Creating access roads within the facility for construction and maintenance;
- Constructing an on-site collection point switchyard covering 5 acres; and
- Installing and maintaining a less than 100-foot-long aerial connection across BLM land from the new transmission line pole structures and into AZ Solar 1’s switchyard, approximately 75 feet of which is located outside of the existing transmission line easement.
Project Location:
The project location is found two miles west of Salome, La Paz County, Arizona. The proposed interconnection would occur on BLM land in the east half of Section 13 in Township 5 North, Range 14 West on the Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian (GSRBM). The solar facility would be located on private land of Salome situated within portions of Section 18 in Township 5 North, Range 13 West on the GSRBM.
News and Updates:
WAPA completed a Final Environmental Assessment in July 2019 and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact on July 2, 2019.
Contact Information:
Sean Berry, Environmental Manager
Western Area Power Administration
PO Box 6457
Phoenix, AZ 85005
Phone 602-605-2842
Project Documents:
Notice of Availability (PDF) (7-2-2019)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF) (7-2-2019)
- Final EA (PDF) (July 2019)
- Draft EA for Public Comment (PDF) (March 2019)
- Draft EA Notice Letter and Comment Instructions (PDF) (3-19-2019)
- Draft EA Flyer (PDF) (3-19-2019)
- Section 106 Consultation Letter to SHPO (PDF) (3-13-2019)
- Scoping Meeting Poster Boards (PDF)
- Scoping Meeting Handout (PDF)
- Public Scoping Letter (PDF) (10-24-2018)
- Project Map (10-24-2018)
- Determination to Prepare an Environmental Assessment (PDF) (10-10-2018)
Last modified on October 8th, 2024