The data or SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) information in the links below consists of elevation, water release, generation and ramping data on an hourly basis for each of the listed powerplants. The archived data goes back to about 1999 and back to 1993 for Glen Canyon with some instances of missing data. Click on the links below to access the information for a particular powerplant.

Note: This SCADA information is believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed to be correct. It is subject to change without notice as additional information is received.

 ​​​  Blue Mesa Crystal Fontenelle Flaming Gorge Glen Canyon Morrow Point
​4/2022 ​BM-Apr-2022 CR-Apr-2022 FN-Apr-2022 FG-Apr-2022 ​GC-Apr-2022 MP-Apr-2022
​3/2022 BM-Mar-2022 ​CR-Mar-2022 ​​​​​​​​​FN-Mar-2022 ​​​​FG-Mar-2022​​​ ​​​​​GC-Mar-2022 ​​MP-Mar-2022
2/2022 ​​​​​BM-Feb-2022 ​​CR-Feb-2022​ ​​​FN-Feb-2022 ​​​FG-Feb-2022 ​​​GC-Feb-2022 ​​​MP-Feb-2022
1/2022​​ ​​BM-Jan-2022​​ ​​​CR-Jan-2022 ​​​​​​​​FN-Jan-2022 ​​​FG-Jan-2022 ​​​​GC-Jan-2022 MP-Jan-2022
2021​​ ​​BM2021​ ​​CR2021 ​​​​​​​FN2021 ​​FG2021 ​​​GC2021 ​​​​​​​​​MP2021
2020 ​​BM2020 CR2020 ​​​​​​FN2020 ​FG2020 ​​GC2020 ​​​​​​​​MP2020
2019 ​BM2019 ​CR2019 ​​​​​FN2019 ​​​​​​​​​FG​2019 ​GC2019 ​​​​​​​MP2019
2018​​​​​​​​​​​ BM2018​​​​ ​​​CR2018​​​​ ​​​​​​FN2018​​​​​ ​​FG2018​​​​​ GC2018​​​​​​​ ​MP2018​​​​
​2017​​​​ BM2017​​ ​CR2017​​ ​​FN2017 ​FG2017 ​GC2017​ MP2017​​​
​2016​​​​​​​ BM2016 CR2016​​ ​​FN2016 FG2016​​ GC2016 MP2016​​
2015 ​BM2015 CR2015​ FN2015​ FG2015 GC2015​ ​MP2015
2014 BM2014 CR2014 FN2014 FG2014 GC2014 MP2014
2013 BM2013 CR2013 FN2013 FG2013 GC2013 MP2013
2012 BM2012 CR2012 FN2012 FG2012 GC2012 MP2012


Last modified on December 5th, 2024