Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program–Eastern Division

​The Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program–Eastern Division (P-SMBP–ED) firm power rate schedules became effective January 1, 2010, and expire December 31, 2014. 

WAPA conducted a minor rate adjustment to provide updated P-SMBP–ED Base and Drought Adder components.  The overall rates and the revenue requirement will remain unchanged, and be placed into effect on January 1, 2015.

2015 Firm and Firm Peaking Power Rate Process

Rate Process Documentation

Information regarding this rate adjustment, including comments, letters, and other supporting documents are retained by Western are for the purpose of pursuing this rate adjustment process.

Further Information, Contact:

Linda Cady-Hoffman, UGPR Rates Manager
Western Area Power Administration
Upper Great Plains Region
PO Box 35800
Billings, MT 59107-5800

(406) 255-2920 | cady@wapa.gov


Last modified on November 18th, 2024