Alternative Operations Study (AOS)
The Upper Great Plains Region and the other IS owners have studied several forms of potential regional transmission organization participation since the 1990s. Beginning in 2001, the IS participants began to evaluate potential options of joining SPP, joining the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or continuing operations on a stand-alone basis. These studies identified the option to join SPP as having the most benefit and the least risk.
Historical Decision Points
2013 Public Meetings
WAPA has presented a detailed explanation of the AOS Team’s findings and recommendation. WAPA engaged in outreach to customers and other interested parties via a kickoff webinar held November 13, 2013, and three public meetings held November 19-21, 2013, in Lincoln, NE, Sioux Falls, SD, and Fargo, ND. The 46 day comment period closed December 16, 2013. The overwhelming majority of the letters received were supportive of WAPA moving forward with the recommendation to pursue formal negotiations for WAPA-UGP membership with Southwestern Power Pool.
Read the comments from this public outreach.
Question/Comment and Answer Summary
Read WAPA’s responses to public comments.
Meeting Documentation
RTO Membership Public Information Forums, Nov 19, 20, & 21, 2013 (2 mb pdf)
- AOS Recommendation Webinar Kick-off on Nov 13, 2013 (23 mb wmv) (Can be viewed with Windows Media Player)
- AOS Recommendation Webinar Kick-off on Nov 13, 2013 (1 mb pdf)
Information regarding the recommendation, including comments, letters, and other supporting documents made or retained by WAPA are for the purpose of pursuing this recommendation.
Recommendation Support & Documentation
Memo from the Administrator, July 9, 2014 (826 KB .pdf)
- Letter from the Administrator, January 9, 2014 (441 KB .pdf)
- 11/1/13 FRN-Recommendation From WAPA to Pursue RTO Membership (270 KB .pdf)
- 11/1/13 Customer Notification Letter (112 KB .pdf)
- Alternative Operations Study Summary (377 KB .pdf)
- Alternative Operations Study Recommendation (616 KB .pdf)
- Integrated System Nodal Study-Redacted (4,532 KB .pdf) correct
Southwestern Power Pool (SPP) Membership
Last modified on October 9th, 2024