Wilton IV Wind Energy Center EIS
Western Area Power Administration (Western) prepared this draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) in response to a request from NextEra Energy Resources, LLC (NextEra), on behalf of its subsidiary Wilton Wind IV, LLC (Wilton IV), to interconnect its proposed Wilton IV Wind Energy Center (Project) to WAPA’s power transmission system. The proposed Project is a wind turbine generation facility located in Burleigh County, North Dakota. It would consist of 62 wind turbine generators, with a total nameplate capacity of approximately 99 MW.
NextEra has also requested that the existing interconnection contracts for the Wilton Wind I Energy Center (formerly known as Burleigh County Wind), Wilton Wind II Energy Center, and the Baldwin Wind Energy Center (together called the Existing Projects) be modified to lift their administrative 50 average annual MW production caps.
This DEIS includes a description of the proposed Project and analyzes the impacts associated with the proposed construction, operation, and decommissioning of the Wilton IV Project and lifting the administrative 50 average annual MW cap on the Existing Projects. Western will consider the analysis as well as comments received during the public review period to determine whether (1) Western will execute an interconnection agreement for the proposed Project, and (2) amend the interconnection agreements for the Existing Projects to lift the administrative 50 average annual MW cap.
Come to the public hearing from 5 to 8 p.m. on April 10, 2013, at Wilton Memorial Hall, 105 Dover Avenue, Wilton, North Dakota.
Enviromental Impact Statement (EIS)
Federal Register Notice
Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Project, Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS and to Conduct Scoping Meetings (506kb pdf)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Project, Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (178 pdf)
Draft EIS
Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Draft EIS, March 2013 (4.5mb pdf)
Supporting Documentation
Baldwin Wind (PDF) Energy Center Northern Portion 2010 Spring Avian Survey
- Wilton Expansion Wind Resource Area Wildlife Baseline (PDF)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2011 Fall Avian Survey (PDF)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2012 Spring Avian Survey (PDF)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Accoustic Assessment (PDF)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Class II Architectural (PDF)Reconnaissance Survey
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Native Prairie Survey
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center DEIS Public Hearing (PDF) Comments and Correspondence
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Scoping Meeting Report(PDF) October 2011
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Shadow Flicker (/PDF) Impact Analysis
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Wetland (PDF) Evaluation Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Whooping Crane Likelihood of Occurrence Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center December 2013 SDEIS Scoping Meeting (PDF)
- Report (6.52mb pdf)
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Fall 2013 Avian Survey (PDF) Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Spring 2014 Avian Survey (PDF) Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2014 Native Prairie Survey (PDF) Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2014 Historic Architecture (PDF) Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2014 Wetland Report
- Wilton IV Wind Energy Center 2014 Bat Survey (PDF) Report
Last modified on November 4th, 2024