Project Overview
North Bend Wind Farm, LLC proposes to construct the North Bend Wind Farm Project (Project) in Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota. The Project would generate up to 200 mega-watts and would interconnect to WAPA’s existing Fort Thompson to Oahe 230kV transmission line.
WAPA’S Involvement
If there is available transmission capacity on the federal transmission system, WAPA provides open access to transmission services so that energy producers can transmit power to their customers. Any entity requesting transmission services must submit an application for interconnection. For more information about the interconnection process, visit WAPA’s website here. The federal interconnection process is separate from any State, County, or local permitting and approvals that may be required.
The proposed interconnection of the Project to WAPA’s transmission system is a Federal action under NEPA. As a result, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared to evaluate the environmental effects of the Project. The EA tiers from the analysis conducted in the Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS). The PEIS can be viewed here.
Project Links
- Project Map (PDF)
- Scoping Letter (PDF)
- Scoping Meeting Instructions (PDF)
- Scoping Meeting Posters (PDF), additional maps (PDF), and meeting recording (YouTube)
- Draft EA Comment Form (PDF)
- Cultural Resources Concurrence Letters (PDF)
- Draft EA (PDF)
- Draft EA Letter (PDF)
- Draft EA Tribal Leaders Letter (PDF)
- Draft EA Newspaper Announcement (PDF)
Final Environmental Assessment / FONSI
- FONSI and Decision (PDF)
- Final EA Letter to the Public (PDF)
- Final Environmental Assessment (PDF)
- Appendices A-C (including C1, C2, & C3) (PDF)
- A – Scoping Comments and WAPA Responses
- B – Potential Waters of the U.S. Preliminary Delineation Summary Report for North Bend Wind Project Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota
- C – Nationwide Permit General Conditions
- C1 – Observations Table and Regional Bird and Bat Fatality Figures
- C2 – North Bend Wind Project Field Studies and Habitat Assessments Summary 2016 – 2021 Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota
- C3 – North Bend Wind Project Collision Risk Modeling Calculations
- Appendix D (PDF) Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy for the North Bend Wind Farm
- Appendix D (continued) (PDF) Site Characterization Study of the Triple H Wind Resource Area Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota
- Appendices E, & F (PDF)
- E – Species Consistency Evaluation Forms
- F – Whooping Crane Operational Procedure Program for the North Bend Wind Project
- Appendix G (PDF) Acoustic Assessment for the North Bend Wind Project, Hyde and Hughes Counties, South Dakota
- Appendices H-L (PDF)
- H – Shadow Flicker Impact Analysis for the North Bend Wind Project, Hyde and Hughes Counties, South Dakota
- I – A Level III Cultural Resources Inventory and Traditional Cultural Property Survey for the North Bend Wind Project in Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota
- J – A Reconnaissance Architectural Survey and Viewshed Analysis of the North Bend Wind Project in Hughes and Hyde Counties, South Dakota
- K – Concurrence Letters from South Dakota Office of the State Historic Preservation Officer and Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
- L – Scoping Documentation
- Appendix M (PDF) Responses to Draft EA Comments
Contact Information
Western Area Power Administration
NEPA Coordinator
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
(406) 255-2811
Last modified on November 8th, 2024