Lookout Solar Project

​​Lookout Solar, LLC proposes to construct the Lookout Solar Project (Project) in Oglala Lakota and Custer Counties, South Dakota.  The Project would involve construction of an 840-acre photovoltaic solar generating facility.  Other Project components would include a new substation, a new underground transmission line, access roads, and a maintenance and operation center.  The Project would be located approximately 22 miles south of Buffalo Gap, primarily on lands within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  The Project would interconnect with WAPA’s existing New Underwood to Wayside 230kV transmission line.

WAPA’S Involvement

If there is available transmission capacity on the federal transmission system, WAPA provides open access to transmission services so that energy producers can transmit power to their customers.  Any entity requesting transmission services must submit an application for interconnection.  For more information about the interconnection process, visit WAPA’s website here​. The federal interconnection process is separate​ from any State, County, or local permitting and approvals that may be required.

​The proposed interconnection of the Project to WAPA’s transmission​ system is a Federal action under NEPA.  As a result, WAPA prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA)  to evaluate the environmental effects of the Project.  WAPA a Finding of No Significant Impact to document their determination that no significant environmental impacts would occur as a result of the proposed​ Project and selected the Proposed Action Alternative for implementation.​

Public Involvement

WAPA offered several opportunities for public involvement, as detailed in Appendix A of the EA (link available below).

​Project links

Contact Information

Western Area Power Administration
UGP NEPA Coordinator
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
(406) 255-2811​

Last modified on November 8th, 2024