Groton Generation Station Project (2011)
Basin Electric Energy Cooperative (Basin Electric) currently owns and operates the Groton Generation Station in Brown County, South Dakota. The Groton Generation Station has two generating units. Basin Electric operated the generating station with a condition in its Large Generator Interconnection Agreement with WAPA that limited the output of the generating station to a 50 average MW. Basin Electric proposed to modify the LGIA with WAPA to eliminate the 50 average MW administrative limit on its generating station, so it could produce power above the 50 average MW limit. WAPA prepared an EIS to address its Federal action to modify the LGIA for the Groton Generation Station.
Documents and Links
- Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Hold Public Meetings (PDF) (September 21, 2009)
- Draft EIS
- Notice of Availability of Draft EIS ()
- Final EIS
- Notice of Availability of Final EIS ()
- Record of Decision
- Notice of Record of Decision (PDF) (December 5, 2011)
Contact Information
Erika Walters
NEPA Document Manager
Western Area Power Administration
Corporate Services Office
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228–8213
Phone: (800) 336-7288
Fax: (720) 962–7263
Last modified on December 30th, 2024