Campbell County Wind Farm, Pollock, SD
The Western Area Power Administration (Western), an agency of the Department of Energy (DOE), has prepared a draft environmental assessment (EA) on the proposed interconnection of the Campbell County Wind Farm (Project) in Campbell County, near the city of Pollock, South Dakota. Dakota Plains Energy, Inc., has applied to WAPA to interconnect their proposed Project to WAPA’s power transmission system.
This draft EA addresses WAPA’s Federal action of interconnecting the proposed Project to WAPA’s transmission system and making any necessary modification to WAPA facilities to accommodate the interconnection. The EA also includes a review of the potential environmental impacts of Dakota Plains Energy constructing, operating, and maintaining a 99-megawatt (MW) wind power generating facility, consisting of wind turbine generators, access roads, an electrical collection system, a collector substation, permanent meteorological tower(s), an operations and maintenance building and yard, a transmission line, temporary staging areas, and other ancillary facilities.
Dates: The public comment period closed on September 2, 2014.
Enviromental Assessment (EA)
Draft EA
- Campbell County Wind Draft EA (34.1MB PDF)
Final EA
- Campbell County Wind Final EA (1.0MB PDF)
Supporting Documents
- Appendix A (Available upon request)
- Appendix B (12.4MB PDF)
- Appendix C (23.2MB PDF)
- Appendix D (59KB PDF)
- Appendix E (2.1MB PDF)
- Appendix F (27KB PDF)
- Appendix G (1.2MB PDF)
Last modified on December 30th, 2024