Antelope Valley Station to Neset Transmission Project (2014)

The Antelope Valley Station to Neset Transmission (AVS) Project was proposed by Basin ​Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric).  ​Basin Electric requested financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) ​​​​to construct the project. RUS determined that its decision about whether to finance the project would constitute a major federal action that may have a significant impact on the environment, within the context of NEPA. RUS served as the lead federal agency for the NEPA environmental review of the project; WAPA and the U.S. Forest Service participated as cooperating agencies.

Documents and Links

Draft EIS

  • Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement (December 7, 2012)
  • Antelope Valley Station to Neset Transmission Project, Volume 1
  • Antelop​​e Valley Station to Neset Transmission Project, Volume 2

Draft Supplemental EIS

Final Environmental Impact Statement

  • Fina​l EIS

Record of Decision

C​ontact Information

NEPA Coordinator
Western Area Power Administration
Upper Great Plains Region
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
Phone: (406) 255-2811

Last modified on November 8th, 2024