San Luis Transmission Project
2022 Project Update: Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) will not be moving forward with executing the agreements necessary to implement the San Luis Transmission Project (SLTP). The SLTP Proponent(s) were not able to achieve financing, and therefore, WAPA has cancelled work on the SLTP. The SLTP has also been removed from WAPA’s OASIS queue.
WAPA issued its record of decision for the San Luis Transmission Project, April 29, 2016. For current project updates, visit the SLTP project webpage.
The record of decision concluded WAPA’s environmental review process for the project and identified the agency preferred route and configuration for the transmission line. In 2013, WAPA proposed to construct, own, operate, and maintain a new 230-kilovolt transmission line about 62 miles in length between WAPA’s Tracy Substation and WAPA’s San Luis Substation and a new 70-kV transmission line about 5 miles in length between the San Luis and O’Neill Substations. WAPA also considered other transmission construction options including:
- A new 500-kV transmission line about 62 miles in length operated at 230-kV between Western’s Tracy and San Luis Substations;
- A new 500-kV transmission line operated at 500-kV about 62 miles in length between the Tracy Substation and Pacific Gas and Electric’s Los Banos Substation; and
- A new 230-kV transmission line about 18 miles in length between San Luis Substation and Dos Amigos Substation.
- NEPA – Notice of intent (PDF) (NOI) Federal Register
- NEPA SLTP Record of Decision (PDF) (ROD)
- CEQA – SLTP Notice of Determination (PDF) (NOD)
- CEQA – Notice of preparation (PDF) (NOP) state clearing house
- Map: Project overview of SLTP (PDF)
- Meeting: Public scoping notice (PDF)
- SLTP environmental website (PDF)
- SLTP email
SLTP Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report
- Draft EIS-EIR – main text (PDF)
- Appendices A and B (PDF)
- Appendix C Part 1 (PDF)
- Appendix C Part 2 (PDF)
- Appendices D through I (PDF)
SLTP Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Cover Sheet-Content-List of Acronyms (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Executive Summary (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 2 Description of the Proposed Project and Alternatives (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 3 Affected Environment (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 4 Environmental Consequences (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 5 Consultation and Coordination (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 6 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 7 Preparers and Reviewers (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 8 Recipients (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapter 9 References (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Chapters 10 Index (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Appendix A and B (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Appendix C Biological Survey Report-1 MAIN (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Appendix C Biological Survey Report-2 APPENDICES (PDF)
- SLTP Final EIS-EIR Appendix D through M (PDF)
SLTP newsletters
- SLTP newsletter (PDF) #1, April 2014
- SLTP newsletter #2 Part, (PDF), February 2015
- SLTP newsletter #2 Part 2 (PDF), February 2015
- SLTP newsletter #3 (PDF), August 2015
- SLTP newsletter #4 (PDF), April 2016
SLTP alternatives screening process
- SLTP alternatives screening report (PDF)
- SLTP alternatives map 1 (PDF)
- SLTP alternatives map 2 (PDF)
- SLTP alternatives map 3 (PDF)
Public scoping January 8 and 9, 2014
- SLTP fact sheet (PDF)
- SLTP public scoping meeting poster boards (PDF)
- SLTP scoping report (PDF) March 2014
- Map 1 (PDF)
- Map 2 (PDF)
- Map 3 (PDF)
- Map 4 (PDF)
- Map 5 (PDF)
Last modified on December 12th, 2024