WAPA has received an interconnection request from the Beale Air Force Base (AFB) to connect to WAPA’s existing Cottonwood-Roseville 230-kilovolt (kV) line located in Yuba County, California. The purpose of the proposed project is to ensure that the Beale AFB electrical infrastructure will supply and effectively support the missions assigned to the installation by Congress and the President. Beale AFB needs a reliable and resilient electrical transmission system that is upgraded to satisfy current electrical standards. This need includes a redundant electrical interconnection to supply critical missions and prevent electrical failure during maintenance and/or electrical faults.
As part of the proposed project, a 5-mile, 230-kV/60-kV interconnection would be built between WAPA’s Cottonwood-Roseville transmission line and an existing substation on Beale AFB. The proposed project would also require a new substation to be located on Beale AFB to accommodate both the 230-kV and 60-kV lines. Currently, three alternative routes are being considered for the interconnection line.
- Southern Alternative (included in January 2018 scoping)
- Northern A Alternative (included in January 2018 scoping)
- Northern B Alternative (added to the project in June 2018; included in July 2018 scoping)
WAPA prepared an Environment Assessment (EA) for the project in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). WAPA and Beale AFB are joint lead agencies for the purposes of NEPA and have issued separate Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
WAPA approved the Final EA and FONSI on November 30, 2020. Beale AFB signed the separate FONSI and Finding of No Practicable Alternative (FONPA) on January 12, 2021. Based on the information contained in the EA, WAPA’s federal action would not result in significant environmental impacts. WAPA has determined that its proposed federal action is not a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of NEPA and that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required. Beale AFB also concluded that the Proposed Actions would not have a significant impact on the natural or human environment and that an EIS is not required.
The Draft EA was first made available to interested agencies, tribes, groups, and individuals from January 2, 2020 through February 3, 2020, and March 18, 2020 to April 17, 2020. WAPA and Beale AFB revised the Draft EA in response to all public comments and released the Revised Draft EA for public review on August 20, 2020. The last public comment period ended on September 21, 2020.
The Final EA and FONSIs are included in the PROJECT DOCUMENTS section below.
Additional information and copies of the EA and this FONSI are available to all interested parties and the public from the following contact:
Mail: Kristen Dalldorf, Environmental Manager
Western Area Power Administration
114 Parkshore Drive
Folsom, California 95630
Final Environmental Assessment
Notice of Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF, February 2021)
- Final Environmental Assessment (PDF, November 2020)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF, November 2020)
- Finding of No Significant Impact/Finding of No Practicable Alternative (PDF, January 2021)
Draft Environmental Assessment
- Revised Draft Environmental Assessment (PDF, August 2020)
- Appendices for the Revised Draft EA (PDF, August 2020)
- Notice of Availability of the Revised Draft EA postcard (PDF, August 2020)
- Notice of Availability of the Revised Draft EA newspaper ad (PDF, August 2020)
- Draft Environmental Assessment (PDF, January 2020)
- Appendices for the Draft EA (PDF, January 2020)
Last modified on February 16th, 2024