Rocky Mountain WEIS Market participation

On September 9, 2019, WAPA announced its decision that Colorado River Storage Project Management Center (CRSP), Rocky Mountain Region (RMR), and the Upper Great Plains Region (UGP) would join Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market. The three Federal Projects (Salt Lake City Integrated Projects (SLCA/IP), Loveland Area Projects (LAP), and Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program–Eastern Division (P-S–ED) are participating as Market Participants (MPs) for their loads and resources in the WEIS Market footprint; the CRSP, LAP, and Pick-Sloan Eastern Division transmission systems will be committed for WEIS use; and the Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM) and the Western Area Power Administration-Upper Great Plains West Balancing Authority (WAUW) are participating balancing authorities. As BAs in the WEIS Market footprint, WACM and WAUW are required to register loads and resources for non-participating entities within the balancing authority areas.

While not required for use of WAPA’s rates for short-term sales, RMR held various customer meetings to provide high-level information regarding the rate schedule changes necessary for WEIS Market participation and posted the “Rocky Mountain Region Proposed Rates for WEIS Market Participation” Customer Rate Brochure for customer comment. WAPA did so to be open and transparent about the need to implement new rates for use under the WEIS Market, with the acknowledgement that the details necessary to begin a long-term public process to develop those rates was not available at the time a long-term public process would need to start.

WAPA’s Administrator approved RMR’s rate schedules for use under the WEIS Market on December 29, 2020. RMR will continue to work towards keeping Customers as informed as possible of the SPP WEIS process as it continues to progress. Additional documentation will be posted as available.

CRSP and UGP have separate websites, brochures, and/or other documents to discuss their rates, processes, etc. related to those offices/projects joining the WEIS Market.

Rate Implementation Documentation

​Contact Information

Mrs. Sheila D. Cook​
Rates Manager
Rocky Mountain Region
Office Telephone: (970) 461-7211
Mobile: (970) 685-9562

Last modified on October 31st, 2024