​Rocky Mountain evaluated applications for the Post-2004 Loveland Area Projects Resource Pool and published the final allocations in the Federal Register Notice (PDF) (FRN) on January 10, 2002.  The final allocations became effective February 11, 2002 and will remain in effect until September 30, 2024. The FRN also included responses to the public comments on the proposed allocations that were published May 11, 2001.

Allocations were made to five Native American reservations, twelve cities, five Cooperatives, two federal entities, and a regional transportation district. RMR will now begin working with the allottees to negotiate firm electric service contracts. The contracts will permit delivery of the allotted power from the October 2004 billing period through the September 2024 billing period.


For information and assistance on the Post 2004 Resource Pool:

Manager, Contracts and Energy Services
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 3700
Loveland, CO 80539

Last modified on October 31st, 2024