​The Loveland Area Projects (LAP) Firm Electric Service (FES) contracts expire Sept. 30, 2024.  Western Area Power Administration’s (Western) Rocky Mountain region (RMR) is responsible for developing and administering the LAP FES contracts and has developed a plan for marketing and allocating LAP hydroelectric power after the current FES contracts expire. We call this plan our 2025 Power Marketing Initiative (2025 PMI), which will be effective Oct. 1, 2024 (federal Fiscal Year 2025).

Federal Register notice (FRN) for Loveland Area Projects – 2025 PMI Proposal was published Oct. 17, 2011. Written comments on the proposed 2025 PMI were received by the Monday, Jan. 30, 2012, deadline.

A final decision FRN for Loveland Area Projects – 2025 PMI was published Dec. 30, 2013, and became effective Jan. 29, 2014. This FRN can be found at the link below.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Neumayer at 970-461-7322.

Additional information:


Last modified on December 4th, 2023