Evaluating Rail Tie Wind Project Interconnection
WAPA evaluated a request from ConnectGen Albany County LLC to interconnect their proposed Rail Tie Wind Project into WAPA’s existing Ault-Craig 345-kilovolt transmission line in Albany County, Wyoming. WAPA has prepared an environmental impact statement on the proposed interconnection in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and other applicable regulations.
Record of Decision Documents
- Record of decision (PDF), 7/12/2022
- Notice of availability in the Federal Register, 7/19/2022
- WAPA news release announcing the ROD approval, 7/18/2022
Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Documents
- Final environmental impact statement (PDF – 23MB), 11/19/2021
- Notice of availability in the Federal Register, 11/19/2021
- WAPA news release announcing availability of final EIS, 11/19/2021
Mitigation Action Plan Document
Draft EIS – Public Comment Period
The publication of the notice of availability (PDF) in the Federal Register initiated the draft EIS public comment period, which is normally 45 days. During the public comment period, the public, interested parties and other agencies were invited to provide comments and ask questions about the draft EIS. All comments were considered as the draft EIS was revised and were preserved in the administrative record.
To ensure the public had an opportunity to provide input, WAPA accepted public comments until May 17, 2021, including in writing (online/email preferred) or verbally during virtual public hearings. Time for speaking at the hearings was limited and written comments were encouraged. (WAPA held two virtual public hearings in April 2021).
Virtual public hearing details
- Meeting 1: Wednesday, April 28, 1 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time
- Meeting 2: Thursday, April 29, 5 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time
For security and to gauge public interest, registration was required to attend each virtual public hearing.
Virtual Public Hearing Information
- Rail Tie Wind Project public involvement website
- Recording of Public Hearing #1 (YouTube) – held on April 28, 2021
- Recording of Public Hearing #2 (PDF) – held on April 29, 2021
- Virtual Public Hearing Q&A report (PDF)
Draft EIS Documents
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Notice of availability in the Federal Register (PDF), 04/02/2021
- WAPA news release announcing availability of draft EIS, 04/05/2021
- Rail Tie Wind Project page on Department of Energy NEPA site, 04/06/2021
Technical Reports
Baseline technical reports were prepared for ConnectGen by their environmental contractor. This information was reviewed and independently verified by WAPA and their third-party NEPA contractor and any data gaps identified. While this information was relied upon to develop the EIS, numbers, text, and findings or conclusions may vary because of new or updated information, differences in professional judgment, or because of adjustments in analysis areas or changes to disturbance areas as Project design progressed.
- Shadow Flicker Assessment Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Visual Impact Assessment (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Acoustical Assessment Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Air Quality Analysis Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Biological Resources Evaluation (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Endangered Species Act – Listed Species and Critical Habitat Review (PDF), 04/08/2021
- Swift Fox Presence/Absence Remote Camera Surveys (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Golden Eagle and Raptor Nest Survey Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Avian Use Study (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Burrowing Owl Presence/Absence Surveys (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Bat Activity Surveys (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Cultural Resources Evaluation Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Historic Properties Visual Impact Assessment: Addendum to Cultural Resources Evaluation (PDF), *Updated* 11/15/2021
- Geology and Soils Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Land Use, Agriculture, and Recreation Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Paleontological Resources Assessment Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Hazardous Materials Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Health and Safety Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Social and Economic Analysis Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Transportation Analysis Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
- Surface Water and Groundwater Technical Report (PDF), 04/02/2021
Section 106 Programmatic Agreement and Historic Properties Treatment Plan
System Impact Studies
- System Impact Study 2019-G1 (PDF), 06/10/2021
- System Impact Study 2019-G2 (PDF), 06/10/2021
Scoping Period
The publication of the notice of intent in the Federal Register (see Documents section) initiated the EIS scoping process, which is normally 30 days. The scoping process shared project information with the public, interested parties and agencies, and gathered input on which issues and resources were important and deserved greater analysis in the EIS and which were of lesser importance. WAPA held two informational and scoping meetings for the public in January 2020. Project presentations were delivered at 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. MST.
WAPA accepted comments related to the EIS scope through Jan. 31, 2020.
Scoping Information
- Scoping meeting presentation deck – Rail Tie Wind Project NEPA Public Scoping Meeting Presentation (PDF), 01/15/2020
- Scoping meeting display boards – Rail Tie Wind Project NEPA Public Scoping Meeting (PDF), 01/08/2020
- News release – WAPA to hold public scoping meetings on the Rail Tie Wind Project EIS, 01/06/2020
- Rail Tie Wind Project Scoping Report (PDF), 3/13/2020
- Rail Tie Wind Project Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (PDF), 12/30/2019
- Scoping project area map (PDF), 01/10/2020
- Scoping project area map (close-up) (PDF), 01/09/2020
Submit Comments and Contact Us
Scoping comment period has closed.
For project information contact:
Jennifer Beardsley
Environmental Manager
Western Area Power Administration, Headquarters
PO Box 281213
Lakewood, CO, 80228-8213
(720) 962-7000
Last modified on January 15th, 2025