Windy Gap Firming Project

Final Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/EIS-0370 (Cooperating Agency)

WAPA’s proposed action is to relocate approximately 3.8 miles of the existing Estes to Lyons 115-kilovolt transmission line, if the Chimney Hollow Reservoir alternative is constructed. The line would be moved outside the area proposed for the reservoir, and WAPA would ensure the new location would allow the agency to continue to operate and maintain it.  Section of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 provides more information on the transmission line relocation proposal.

The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation is the Lead Agency for the National Environmental Policy Act Review. Cooperating agencies are WAPA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Grand County, Colo.

Current Status

WAPA issued its Record of Decision on February 3, 2016.


Contact Information

Regional Environmental Manager,  J0400
Rocky Mountain Region
Western Area Power Administration
5555 East Crossroads Avenue
Loveland, CO 80550​


​​WAPA Record of Decision (2-3-2016)

Last modified on September 17th, 2024