161-KV Transmission Line Relocation, Quartzsite, AZ, DOE/EA-1487 ​

The Parker-Gila 161-kV transmission line connects Parker Substation, near Parker, Ariz., with Gila Substation, just east of Yuma, Ariz. This line was built in the mid-1940s. Over the years, the town of Quartzsite has grown and encroached upon Western’s right-of-way.

In 1997, Quartzsite town officials approached state and Federal officials about relocating the transmission line to the town outskirts. Their primary concerns were population growth, encroachment on the ROW and public safety.

Safety, reliability issues and the limited ROW width ultimately led WAPA to propose rerouting the transmission line around Quartzsite. The reroute entails removing existing wood-and-steel poles, conductors and overhead ground wires, and installing new steel transmission structures, new conductors and overhead ground wires along the new alignment.

The environmental assessment analyzed three alternatives. WAPA prefers the East Alternative, which is approximately eight miles in length around the east side of Quartzsite. This alternative would remove approximately three miles of transmission line from the town center.

Project Update:

  • EA Determination: November 2003

Contact Information:

NEPA Document Manager
Parka-Gila Project, A7400
Corporate Services Office
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
Fax: 720-963-7263

Last modified on November 21st, 2024