Headgate Rock-Blythe NO. 1, 161-KV Transmission Line
Structure Replacement and Black Point MESA Reroute, CA, DOE/EA-1427
WAPA owns and operates the Parker-Blythe No. 1 161-kV transmission line between Parker Dam and Blythe Substation in Blythe, Calif.
The transmission line is almost 50-years old and the wood poles are beginning to age and show signs of failure. Western wants to replace H-frame wood poles and five specialized structures with H-frame, light-duty steel structures from Headgate Rock Substation to Blythe Substation. Replacing the structures on the transmission line will require an additional temporary right-of-way of 100 feet around each pole.
Another proposed reroute would move the existing line from a sensitive cultural site in LaPaz County, Ariz., to a new location in San Bernardino and Riverside counties in California.
Project Updates:
- EA Determination: March 2002
- Notice of Floodplain Involvement
Contract Information:
NEPA Document Manager
Headgate Rock to Blythe EA
Corporate Services Office, A7400
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
Fax: 720-963-7263
Last modified on November 21st, 2024