
Transmission Line Rebuild, MT, DOE/EA-1424 ​

WAPA is proposing to rebuild its Havre-Rainbow 161-kV transmission line between Havre (Mont.) Substation and the Rainbow Substation northeast of Great Falls.

Approximately 103 miles of transmission line would be rebuilt within the existing right of way and 20 miles of new transmission line would be built within a new ROW. Rebuilding the Havre-Rainbow transmission line involves upgrading the transmission line to 230-kV. Both the existing 161-kV conductors and structures would be replaced with 230-kV conductors and structures. The line will continue to operate at 161 kV. Western is also proposing to relocate Rainbow Substation.

The new structures would accommodate installation of overhead fiber optic ground wire.

Project Updates:

  • Draft EA: July 2006
  • Comment period closes August 16, 2006

Contact Information:

NEPA Document Manager
Havre-Rainbow Transmission Project EA
Corporate Services Office, A7400
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
Fax: 720-963-7263

Last modified on November 21st, 2024