Antelope Valley Station to Neset Transmission Project
The Western Area Power Administration, and Rural Utilities Service, an agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, intend to jointly prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed Antelope Valley to Neset Transmission Project in North Dakota, as proposed by Basin Electric Power Cooperative. The project is designed to meet increased demand for electrical power in the region, by meeting system stability and reliability needs for the Integrated System.
Basin Electric proposes to construct, own, operate, and maintain the Project. The Project includes construction and operation of approximately 190 miles of new 345-kV single pole transmission line, 2 new substations, modifications to 4 existing substations, a 345 kV switchyard, maintenance access roads, temporary construction roads, river crossings, temporary construction staging sites, and other facilities to be described in the proposed EIS. The proposed Project would be located in portions of Billings, Dunn, McKenzie, Mercer, Mountrail, and Williams counties in western North Dakota. The Project would connect to the Integrated System at several locations, including Western’s Williston Substation.
Project Updated:
Contact Information:
Rod O’Sullivan
NEPA Document Manager
Antelope Valley Station to Neset Transmission Project EIS
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
Dennis Rankin
Project Manager
Engineering and Environmental Staff Rural Utilities Service, Utilities Program
1400 Independence Avenue SW., Mail Stop 1571
Washington, D.C. 20250-1571
Last modified on November 18th, 2024