The Trinity Public Utilities District Direct Interconnection Project involved building transmission facilities near Weaverville, in Trinity County, California. The project removed about 5.3 miles of 12-kV distribution line and constructed about 16 miles of new 60-kV transmission line, a tap structure and associated equipment as well as a new switchyard.
WAPA analyzed the environmental impacts of the proposed project and alternatives and prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS). The U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management participated in preparing the EIS. The Final EIS was adopted in 2007 and the Record of Decision was published in 2008. Copies of the documents are provided below.
Final EIS Volume 1 (November 2007)
- Final EIS Volume 2, Appendices (November 2007)
- Final Construction, Operations and Maintenance Plan
- Trinity-Weaverville overview map (3.4 MB pdf)
- Mitigation Action Plan (248 kb pdf)
- Record of Decision
- Record of Decision advertisement (67 kb pdf)
- Notice of availability of final environmental impact statement (97 kb pdf)
- Public comments (1.1 MB pdf)
- Public hearing transcript (590 kb pdf)
- Open house and public hearing advertisement (122 kb pdf)
- Local notice of availability of draft environmental impact statement (118 kb pdf)
- Newsletter, June 2006 (139 kb pdf)
- Scoping meeting advertisement (96kb pdf)
- Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
- NEPA EIS determination (595 kb pdf)
Last modified on May 6th, 2024