Hermosa West Wind Farm Project
Update May 2014:
Shell WindEnergy has decided to withdraw their interconnection request for the proposed Hermosa West Wind Energy Project, as Shell does not intend to continue pursuing permitting or constructing this proposed project.
In response to Shell’s decision, WAPA and the third-party NEPA contractor have ceased all work on this project. No Final EIS or Record of Decision will be issued by WAPA. WAPA will publish a Notice of Cancelation in the Federal Register formalizing the termination of the EIS process.
This website will be removed 6 months after the Notice of Cancelation is issued.
Project Information
Shell WindEnergy, Inc., proposes to construct up to 200 wind turbine generators with a combined total generating capacity of up to 300 megawatts, located south of Laramie and north of the state border, near Tie Siding in Albany County, Wyo. The turbines would be located in 11 north-south oriented strings of varying lengths, with the strings being about one-half mile apart.
In addition to the turbines, other proposed Project facilities would include all-weather access roads to each turbine location, underground power collection lines linking turbines to the Project substation, a Project substation, a short, high-voltage transmission line linking the Project substation to WAPA’s transmission system, operation and maintenance facilities, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition equipment and metering equipment and a permanent meteorological tower.
SWE has applied to WAPA to interconnect the proposed Project to WAPA’s existing Craig-to-Ault 345-kilovolt transmission line in Albany County. The proposed Project substation would likely be co-located with WAPA’s interconnection facility.
WAPA has prepared a draft environmental impact statement to address WAPA’s Federal action of interconnecting the proposed Project to WAPA’s transmission system and making any necessary modification to WAPA facilities to accommodate the interconnection. The EIS also reviews the potential environmental impacts of SWE’s proposed Project. SWE will complete necessary coordination with State and local agencies to permit their proposed Project. Hard copies of the draft EIS are available for review at the Old Town Library, Harmony Library, and Council Tree Library in Fort Collins, Colo., at the Albany County Public Library in Laramie, Wyo., and at the Laramie County Library and Wyoming State Library in Cheyenne, Wyo.
WAPA to Host Public Hearings
WAPA will host two public hearings where participants can learn more about the environmental analysis and provide comments. The meetings will include an open house from 3 to 6 p.m., a formal public hearing from 6 to 7 p.m., with time for questions and answers afterward.
- Oct. 29, 2012, 3 to 8 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn and UW Conference Center, 2229 E. Grand Ave., Laramie, WY 82070
- Oct. 30, 2012, 3 to 8 p.m. Little America Hotel & Resort, 2800 W. Lincoln way, Cheyenne, WY 82009
Project Updates
- Draft EIS available, Western seeking public comments by Nov. 19, Oct. 5, 2012 news release
- Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (59KB PDF)
Project Documents
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (29MB PDF) – Sept. 2012
- Appendices A, B, C (23MB PDF); Facilities study, Threatened and Endangered Species Report, Surface Water Assessment Report
- Appendices D, E (43MB PDF); Wetland Assessment reports, wildlife baseline studies
- Appendices F, G, H, I (4MB PDF); Bat Acoustical studies, Tribal consultation letter, Paleontological resources analysis,noise assessment
- Appendices J, K, L, M (5MB PDF); Transportation analysis, Recreation and Land Use assessment, Social and economic impacts, lease area-potential for development of economic resources
- Appendices N, O, P, Q (32MB PDF); Preliminary geotechnical investigation results, second geotechnical investigation results, phase 1 environmental site assessment, viewshed analysis
Biological Reports
- Noise Assessment – Mar. 2, 2010 (1.3MB PDF)
- Threatened and Endangered Species Report – Jan. 11, 2010 (25.2MB PDF)
- Viewshed Analysis – Oct. 23, 2009 (1.3MB PDF)
- Visual Simulations – Mar. 2, 2010 (3.2MB PDF)
- Wetland Assessment – Jan. 11, 2010 (113.9MB PDF)
Scoping Materials
- Comment form – mail-in (169KB PDF)
- Fact sheet (3.5MB PDF)
- Project description display board (1.5MB PDF)
- Project engineering display board (1.3MB PDF)
- Project participants and the NEPA process display board (1.5MB PDF)
- Scoping meeting news release – January 21, 2010
- Scoping meeting advertisement (200KB PDF)
- Siting and environment display board (6.9MB PDF)
- Project area map (950KB PDF)
Contact Information
Mark Wieringa
NEPA Document Manager
Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-8213
E-mail: hermosawestEIS@wapa.gov
Last modified on December 18th, 2024