One of the most critical opportunities facing WAPA is the ability to clearly articulate investment needs and acquire adequate funding to maintain reliability and also affordable services. To meet these needs, WAPA reformulated its capital planning and budget development processes to incorporate asset management data, develop a 10-Year Capital Plan for WAPA’s Headquarters office, and improve regional 10-year capital plans.

Budget cycle and 10-year capital planning

Budget cycle: WAPA begins to formulate its Headquarters budget in October to address WAPA-wide needs. By late January, the HQ budget has finalized its formulation request and begins populating the customer reporting templates to provide an information update to customers in February. The budget is the ready for submission in April.

HQ 10-year capital plan – technical customer meeting: To enhance this cycle and process, WAPA added in an early preview of the HQ 10-Year Capital Plan in September to provide an opportunity for customer questions and feedback before the formulation is underway. WAPA held its second annual technical meeting with several customer representatives, Sept. 12, 2017, to discuss the 10-Year Capital Plan for the Headquarters office (PDF). For more information about the HQ budget, contact Colin Marquez at 720-962-7434.

Reginal 10-year capital planning (As available)

Capital appropriations​ allocation plan

WAPA developed a plan for how it would allocate appropriations, across its projects, to fund capitalized replacements and additions in a budget scenario where flat appropriations and increased costs due to inflation result in WAPA not being able to fully fund the program through appropriations. A proposed plan was presented to customers in February 2017 followed by a comment period to enable customers to provide feedback. The plan was then finalized.

WAPA continues to hope this new capital appropriation allocation process will not be needed and will continue to seek appropriations to cover its full replacements and additions program, while operating within budgetary guidance.

Last modified on December 27th, 2024