The 2014 Wind Cooperative of the Year Award will honor one electric cooperative for its leadership in wind power. All electric cooperatives that are members of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) are eligible. Any one can nominate a cooperative or cooperatives can nominate themselves. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsors the award in partnership with the NRECA. Entries will be judged in four areas:
- Corporate leadership
- Innovative marketing
- Benefits to customers
- Project creativity
Use the judges’ scoring form and summary sheet you received to rate the following nominees:
- Adams Electric Cooperative
- Farmers Electric Cooperative
- Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative
- Midwest Energy, Inc.
- Mountain View Electric Association
- San Isabel Electric Association, Inc.
- Sunflower Electric Power Corporation
- Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association
[NOTE: If you see a password-protected box when you select a nominee, click “cancel” until the document opens]
Last modified on September 1st, 2023