Small Customer Plan Review and Evaluation Checklist

Small customers may request to submit a Small Customer Plan (SCP) in lieu of an IRP.  The SCP option is available to all customers with annual sales/use of less than 25 gigawatt hours annually, regardless of their association with a joint action agency or member-based association.

Requests from electric utilities must include data on total annual energy sales and use for the previous five years.  WAPA will average this data to determine overall annual energy sales and use so that uncontrollable events, such as extreme weather, do not distort leveled energy sales and use.  Requests from end-use customers must only document that the customer does not purchase electricity for resale.

WAPA will respond to small customer status requests within 30 days of receiving the request.

In order to satisfy the specific requirements of the regulation, the SCP must address the following questions.  If WAPA concludes that the customer has satisfactorily answered the questions, and that the IRP is otherwise reasonable, WAPA should approve the SCP.

Maintaining Small Customer Status

  1. Every year on the anniversary of WAPA’s approval of the plan, small customers must submit a letter to WAPA verifying that either their annual energy sales and use is 25 GWh or less averaged over the previous five years, or they continue to be end-use customers.
  2. The letter must identify their achievements against targeted action plans, as well as the revised summary of actions if the previous summary of actions has expired.


Note: Requirements cited in the checklist can be found by clicking on the subpart in the table of contents of the Energy Planning and Management Program (PDF 90KB).

  1. Does the SCP consider all reasonable opportunities to meet future energy service requirements using demand side management techniques, renewable energy resources, and other programs that provide retail consumers with electricity at reasonable cost (905.11(c)(1)(i))?
  2. Does the SCP minimize adverse environmental effects to the extent practical (905.11(c)(1)(ii))?
  3. Does the SCP provide, in summary form, the customer name, address, phone number, email and Web site if applicable, and contact person (905.11(c)(2)(i))?
  4. Does the SCP, in summary form, identify the customer type (905.11(c)(2)(ii))?
  5. Does the SCP, in summary form, provide current energy and demand profiles, and data on total energy sales and usage for the past 5 years, which Western will use to verify that customers qualify for these criteria (905.11(c)(2)(iii))?
  6. Does the SCP, in summary form, provide information on future energy services projections (905.11(c)(2)(iv))?
  7. Does the SCP, in summary form, explain how all reasonable opportunities were considered to meet future energy service requirements using demand-side management techniques, renewable energy resources, and other programs (905.11(c)(2)(v))?
  8. Does the SCP, in summary form, explain how adverse environmental effects will be minimized to the extent practical (905.11(c)(2)(v))?
  9. Does the SCP, in summary form, have an action plan identifying actions to be implemented over the customer’s planning timeframe (905.11(c)(2)(vi))?

Last modified on September 23rd, 2024