Minimum Investment Report Checklist
Note: The underlined requirements cited in the checklist can be found in the Energy Planning and Management Program (PDF 90KB). Click on the subpart in the table of contents to link to the requirement.
Customers with service territories in state or tribal jurisdictions that mandate a minimum investment requirement (MIR) may submit this report in lieu of an IRP. The minimum investment (905.16(b)(1&2)) must be either (a) a mandatory set percentage of customer gross revenues or other specific minimum investment in demand-side management (DSM) and/or renewable energy mandated by a state, tribal, or Federal government; or (b) a required public benefits charge, including charges to be collected for and spent on DSM; renewable energy; efficiency and alternative energy-related research and development.
Member-based associations and IRP cooperatives may submit MIRs applying the highest state or tribal requirement to all members or participants.
Requests to submit MIRs must include data on the following:
- The source of the minimum investment requirement including the number, title, date, and jurisdiction of law (905.16(a)(1)).
- The initial, annual, and other reporting requirements of the mandate, if any (905.16(a)(2)).
- The mandated minimum level of investment or public benefits charge for DSM and/or renewable energy (905.16(a)(3)).
WAPA will respond to requests to accept MIRs within 30 days of receiving the request (905.16(d)).
Maintaining Minimum Investment Report Status
- Every year on the anniversary of WAPA’s approval of the first MIR, customers must submit a letter to WAPA verifying that they remain in compliance with the minimum investment requirement (905.16(h)(1)).
- The letter must identify annual energy and capacity savings associated with minimum investments in DSM, if known (905.16(h)(1)).
- The letter must identify annual energy and capacity savings associated with minimum investments in renewable energy, if known (905.16(h)(1))
- The letter must include a revised description of customer DSM and/or renewable energy activities if the previous MIR description has changed (905.16(h)(1)).
- Does the MIR contain contact information, including name, address, phone number, e-mail and Web site if applicable and contact person (905.16(e)(1))?
- Does the MIR identify the authority or requirement to undertake a minimum investment, including the source of the minimum investment requirement (number, title, date and jurisdiction of law or regulation) (905.16(e)(2))?
- Does the MIR include a description of the minimum investment including the minimum percentage or other minimum requirement for DSM and/or renewable energy, including any charges to be collected for and spent on DSM, renewable energy; efficiency or alternative energy-related research and development; low-income energy assistance and any other applicable public benefits categories (905.16(e)(3)(i))?
- Does the MIR include actual or estimated energy and/or capacity savings resulting from minimum investments in DSM, if known (905.16(e)(3)(ii))?
- Does the MIR include actual or estimated energy and/or capacity resulting from minimum investments in renewable energy, if known (905.16(e)(3)(iii))?
- Does the MIR include a description of the DSM and/or renewable activities to be undertaken over the next two years as a result of the requirement for minimum investment, if known (905.16(e)(3)(iv))?
Last modified on September 23rd, 2024