CONTACT: Philip Reed, mediarelations@wapa.gov, 720-962-7063

BILLINGS, Mont. — Eleven middle schools and high schools will participate in a statewide science and math competition March 5 and March 12, respectively, for the opportunity to represent Montana at the Department of Energy National Science Bowl this spring.

  • What: Big Sky Regional Middle School and High School Science Bowls
  • When: March 5 at 8:30 a.m. for middle schools; March 12 at 1 p.m. for high schools
  • Where: Online
  • Who: Interviews available on request with students, teachers, school staff and WAPA and other volunteers
  • Media queries: mediarelations@wapa.gov​

The 29th annual Big Sky Regional Science Bowls, hosted by Western Area Power Administration, will test students’ knowledge of biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, energy and math in a fast-paced quiz format that requires students to answer questions in as little as five seconds. Each team is made up of four students, a student alternate and a teacher who serves as an advisor and coach.

The winning high school and middle school teams will participate virtually in the national event in April, competing against their peers from across the U.S.

Participating high schools

Eight schools will participate in 2021’s Big Sky Regional High School Science Bowl:

  • Absarokee High School
  • Billings Central Catholic High School
  • Billings West High School
  • C.M. Russell High School
  • Capital High School
  • Chester-Joplin-Inverness High School
  • Helena High School
  • Skyview High School

Participating middle schools

Three schools will participate in 2021’s Big Sky Regional Middle School Science Bowl:

  • Absarokee Middle School
  • Belgrade Middle School
  • Saint Francis Middle School


About the National Science Bowl: The Department of Energy created the National Science Bowl in 1991 to encourage students to excel in math and science as well as pursue careers in these fields. About 315,000 students have participated in the National Science Bowl throughout its 30-year history, and it is one of the nation’s largest science competitions. The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States.

About WAPA: WAPA annually markets and transmits more than 25,000 gigawatt hours of clean, renewable power from 57 federal hydroelectric powerplants owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 15 western and central states. It is part of the Department of Energy. Follow us on Twitter @WesternAreaPowr​ or visit the website at www.wapa.gov.​

Last modified on September 12th, 2023