Easements and Encroachments
Easement Definition:
An easement is a perpetual right to use private land or property of another for a specific purpose. Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) utilizes its easement to build, maintain and operate transmission lines. Easements have restrictions to assure the reliability and safety of the transmission line and safety of the landowners. Rights usually reserved to the landowner include the right to cultivate, occupy and use the land for any purpose that does not conflict with WAPA’s use of its easement.
Encroachment Definition:
A private improvement, structure, material or obstruction extending into or located within WAPA’s Easement. Encroachments can include, sheds, retaining walls, landscaping, trees, fences, buildings, swimming pools, basketball courts, gazebos, etc. Encroachments are not allowed within WAPA’s easement area.
License Agreements
A License Agreement is required when crossing or entering into WAPA’s easement (Right-of-Way) with an approved facility. Each request is reviewed by WAPA’s Engineering and Maintenance Departments.
Applications are approved or denied on a case-by-case basis.
To inquire about obtaining a Right-of-Way Use Application, please see regional contact information below for your specific area.
Vegetation Management
Vegetation interference with high-voltage transmission power lines is one of the most common causes of electrical outages in the United States. In 2003 overgrown trees in Ohio caused the Nation’s largest electricity blackout in history and affected over 50 million customers across eight states and two Canadian provinces. As a result of this blackout, Congress enacted the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that made compliance with Reliability Standards “mandatory and enforceable” across the United States.
WAPA’s Rocky Mountain Region utilizes Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) along its Right-of-Way in order to establish and maintain a “desired condition.” The desired condition is established and maintained utilizing the IVM approach which proactively manages for the removal and exclusion of incompatible vegetation within the Right-of-Way.
Do not plant trees or other vegetation in the transmission line Easement/Right-of-Way, or so close to the edge of the easement that tree branches will encroach as the tree matures.
If you have vegetation concerns, contact WAPA at RMR-Lands@wapa.gov or call (800) 472-2306.
- WAPA Trees and Powerlines Right of Way Safety (1.1MB PDF)
- Vegetation Imminent Threat Process (360KB PDF)
Links and Pages
Contact Information

Last modified on November 15th, 2024