By Jen Neville
To remain relevant in an ever-changing industry, WAPA must change its approach to problem solving, ensuring everyone is aligned and engaged in the effort.
This is the driving force behind the refreshed Tactical Action Plan.
“We are an organization of skilled problem solvers,” said Chief Strategy Officer Jennifer Rodgers, who spearheaded the initiative. “As the external environment gets more complex, the problems coming toward us require us to solve them differently.”
What is the Tactical Action Plan?
The TAP identifies specific goals for the next two to three years to achieve the critical pathways outlined in Strategic Roadmap 2024.
“We need to be ready to address the changes of tomorrow while consistently supporting customers,” said Rodgers. “At WAPA, we regularly adjust and update our strategy to ensure we meet both those needs.”
This refreshed TAP, the third since 2014, has been simplified and is easier to understand. In addition, the number of Strategic Target Areas was reduced from five to four.
The Strategic Target Areas are Mission Critical Customer Services in an Evolving Industry, Grid Resilience, Asset Management 2.0, and People and Organization.
These are broken down further into 14 specific goals, with each supporting one or more of WAPA’s critical pathways.
Culture lays the foundation
Each TAP goal is assigned to a senior sponsor and project manager for accountability, but accomplishing the goals involves collaboration and coordination across WAPA.
WAPA recognizes the critical component culture plays in strategy through the inclusion of the core values and strategic enablers in our strategic framework. The four strategic enablers are Safety; Communication; Inclusion and Diversity; and Partnership and Innovation.
“Every WAPA employee and contractor plays a role in helping WAPA achieve its strategic vision,” said Rodgers. This role may include directly contributing to a specific TAP goal or picking up workload to free a team member to work on a TAP goal. It could also include supporting the strategic enablers or daily work activities that help WAPA progress in Strategic Target Areas or critical pathways.
“Thank you to everyone who contributed, either directly or by increasing your workload to allow others to focus on these efforts,” said Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel. “I am looking forward to the continued successes WAPA will experience as we move forward with our new TAP.”
“Your leaders should be talking to you about how you contribute,” concluded Rodgers. “If you are not sure, ask!”
Note: Neville is a public affairs specialist.
Last modified on March 8th, 2024