When WAPA has important information to share with the public, we print it in the Federal Register. Our Federal Register notices frequently focus on rate actions or environmental impact statements. The index to the left ​gives you access to all the notice​s we have printed since 2015. For more information, contact Public Affairs.

FOIA Status 2016

wdt_ID FOIA number Date received Date closed Estimated completion date Granted in part/full Documents requested and current status
1 WAPA-2016-00067-F 10/08/2015 10/13/2015 11/30/-0001 Not a FOIA. Stale and undeliverable checks or other property owed to but unclaimed by ACS Lending and Werox.
2 WAPA-2016-00132-F 11/02/2016 11/23/2015 01/15/2012 In Full. All non-confidential materials related to the Northern Arizona Irrigation District Power Pool; specifically, the application for Schedule D-1 Power and the organization documents filed with Western by the Power Pool.  CLOSED.
3 WAPA-2016-00144-F 11/03/2015 12/01/2015 03/15/2012 In Part. Report of investigation conducted by Security.  CLOSED.
4 WAPA-2016-00172-F 11/09/2015 11/24/2015 09/15/2012 In Full. All easements, land lease agreements expiring on or before November 2, 2017, executed by Western with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and all other federally recognized Indian Tribes.  CLOSED.
5 WAPA-2016-00207-F 11/19/2015 12/09/2015 12/09/2015 No documents exist. Copies of correspondence held by Western and received by U.S. Congressman Rob Bishop or his Congressional Office UT-01, since January 3, 2003 regarding companies.  CLOSED.
6 WAPA-2016-00217-F 11/24/2015 01/12/2016 01/25/2016 In Part. Documents related to vacancy announcement number WAPA-15-MP-351.  CLOSED. 
7 WAPA-2016-00235-F 11/23/2015 01/27/2016 11/30/-0001 Processed by DOE FOIA Office. Any and all records related to the John Kasich.  CLOSED.
8 WAPA-2016-00321-F 12/29/2015 02/03/2016 01/26/2016 In Full. Western's contract with Tri-Technic for DSW NERC Mitigation Year 1 project, including list of subcontractors and payments.  CLOSED.
9 WAPA-2016-00437-F 02/23/2016 03/02/2016 04/16/2003 In Full. Western's contract, modifications, EFTs with NewGen, and report dated April 2014.  CLOSED.
10 WAPA-2016-00565-F 02/25/2016 03/14/2016 11/30/-0001 In Full. Copy of Western's contract and Statement of Work for IT Support Services in Billings, MT with RTL Networks, Inc.  Contract No. DE-DT0005217.  CLOSED.
FOIA number Date received Date closed Estimated completion date Granted in part/full Documents requested and current status

Last modified on September 29th, 2023